Laurea (First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS) in Marketing and Economics of the agro-industrial system

A.Y. 2012/2013 |Cod. 8526

  • Duration

    3 years

  • Place of teaching

    Campus Bologna

  • Language


  • Degree Programme Class

    L-25 - Agriculture and Forestry

  • Type of access

    Open access with assessment of basic knowledge

Why choose this programme

  1. The technical and economic nature of this training path is truly unique in Italy

  2. It covers the agrifood business extensively, with a farm-to-fork approach

  3. It allows the acquisition of sound foundations in both the technical and the economic aspects of the agri-food sector

  4. It trains professionals required by companies and institutions covering the entire agro-industrial system, both in Italy and abroad

  5. It allows you to come into direct contact with companies and stimulates the acquisition of soft skills

My study experience was a personal turning point that taught me to observe reality analytically, allowing me to improve my knowledge. I found being able to put my knowledge into practice in the Course's different practical activities very useful.

Maria Rossi, graduate

When you can attend the degree programme

At the moment there are no new open day

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