21348 - Nursing in the Surgery Area (FA)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 5908)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, student possesses knowledge related to the care of the person/family and the management of priority health problems in the surgical area. Skills will be acquired to identify, plan, and evaluate nursing care interventions and collaborates with other professionals in diagnostic-therapeutic-care pathways.

Course contents

Conceptual and historical introduction of surgical nursing

Surgical patient pathway

Surgical classifications ( electio, emergency, urgency)

Preoperative nursing care (preoperative screening, preoperative assessment, education and preparation for surgery, informed consent, documentation, anxiety management, etc.)

Intraoperative nursing (roles and responsibilities of the surgical team, the intraoperative environment, types of anesthesia and sedation, risk management, etc.)

Postoperative nursing care (drainage management, wound management, pain management, infection management, patient monitoring, etc)

Emergency surgery, abdominal surgery, pediatric surgery, neck-larynx surgery, thoracic and breast surgery, vascular surgery, urologic surgery, orthopedic surgery

Exercises on clinical surgical cases

Office hours

See the website of Maicol Carvello