32034 - Laboratory (2) (2nd cycle) (G.A)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Semiotics (cod. 8886)

Learning outcomes

The content of the laboratory changes according to the years, but it is aimed at giving to the students a professionalizing competence on the several fields of study of the degree course.

Course contents

During the academic year 2023/2024 the laboratory will focus on professional, argumentative and web writing. Some writing paths will be proposed to be developed individually or in pairs. The works carried out by the students will be the subject of collective critical discussions and they may be published on the blog www.semio-teca.blogspot.com.


There is no mandatory bibliography for the exam. The teacher will provide the students with the teaching material used during the course. Anyone who wishes to deepen some of the concepts discussed can go through the following manuals:

  • Prandi M., De Santis C., Le regole e le scelte. Manuale di linguistica e di grammatica italiana, Torino, UTET, 2011;
  • Bruni F. et alii, Manuale di scrittura e comunicazione. Per l’università. Per l’azienda, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2013;
  • Carrada L., Lavoro dunque scrivo. Creare testi che funzionano per carta e web, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2012.

Teaching methods

The laboratory is essentially practical. Short frontal parts are foreseen – even if characterized by a strong interactive component between the teacher and the students –, exercises and collective critical discussions.

Assessment methods

The work path done during the entire laboratory will be evaluated. After writing the texts and presenting them during the lessons, each students will be invited to make revisions on them, in order to achieve satisfactory results in terms of correctness, adequacy and effectiveness.

Teaching tools

Different types of digital tools will be used: text editor (Word), presentation software (PowerPoint), digital publishing platform (Blogger).

Office hours

See the website of Antonio Laurino


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.