99695 - Research Methodology Applied to Exercise and Sport

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Physical Activities (cod. 9263)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course the student will know the fundamentals of the scientific method and have learned the main methods of scientific research applied to sports and exercise science. In particular, the student will acquire the skills necessary for planning, conducting, evaluating and presenting research on sports performance and physical activity for the promotion of health and well-being.

Course contents

Regarding specific descriptive learning objectives, the course deals with the following topics:

Introduction. Alternative models of research, and overview of the research process. Purpose and methods of literature review. Identifying and developing the research problem. Presenting the hypothesis.

Ethical issues. Scientific dishonesty. Copyright and plagiarism. Protecting study participants

Statistical concepts and study design. Motivation for statistical analysis. Basic concepts of statistical techniques. Description. Inference. Sample selection. Randomization. Effect size. Power.

Parametric techniques. Relationship and correlation among variables. Prediction. Multiple regression. Differences between groups. ANOVA and ANCOVA

Non-parametric techniques. Nominal and ordinal data. Differences among groups. Testing observed versus expected data.

Measurement. Measurement of physical activity. Concepts of validity and reliability. Measurement error. Measurement scales.

Quantitative research. Observational versus experimental research. Experimental designs. Internal and external validity. Using meta-analysis to synthesize research.

Reporting research. Developing a good introduction. Describing the Method, Results and Discussion. Using tables and figures. Writing abstracts. Making oral and poster presentations.

Regarding skills, students will learn the basics of statistical analysis of data drawn from sports and exercise science for health and well-being, and to critically read scientific articles in these fields.


Research Methods in Physical Activity. Sixth Edition. JR Thomas, JK Nelson, SJ Silverman. Publisher: Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. USA.

Teaching methods

Each lesson is based around one or more chapters of the recommended text book, although it does not follow the order or content exactly. In the time available during lectures, it is not possible to cover all topics in depth, and students are encouraged to read the chapters related to each lesson for a more complete understanding.

Students will participate in group exercises during lessons to improve their critical reading skills. Additionally, 4 hours of statistics laboratories will be used to introduce students to Jamovi, a free 3rd generation spreadsheet for statistical computing and graphics.

Based on the inclusion of computing labs within the study programme, attendance of this course requires the prior participation of all students in modules 1 and 2 of training on safety in the places of study, in e-learning mode.

Finally, students will be assigned homework, that they are expected to complete in time to be discussed during the following lesson.

Assessment methods

The final exam, which is not of set duration, consists of two parts:

Part 1 - written multiple choice quiz (test of knowledge - duration 1 hr)

The student must correctly answer at least 10 questions correctly out of the 20 questions set, to be allowed to undergo oral examination. Mark scheme: +1 for correct answer, 0 for wrong/absent answer.

The quiz will be delivered using the EOL website, and students are asked to bring a portable computer with internet connection to the exam.

Part 2 - oral examination (test of knowledge and skills - no set duration)

The student will be asked two questions of a general nature regarding the topics covered in the course. He/she will then be asked to critically review a scientific article in the field of sports and exercise science. Approximately 30 minutes reading time will be allowed to complete the review.

Both parts must be completed in the same session.

The use of instruments/aids such as notes or calculators is not allowed during the exam. Students must use their computer only to connect to the EOL website.

Teaching tools

Powerpoint slides will be used as a teaching aid.

Any students with specific learning difficulties are encouraged to contact the lecturer as early as possible, to discuss possible modifications to, or additions to, teaching materials, as well as assessment methods.

Office hours

See the website of David Neil Manners