58765 - Continuing Education in Nursing and Midwifery (RN)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences (cod. 8488)

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and skills to be achieved at the end of the course the student must have the knowledge to develop competence profiles, formulate learning objectives, select appropriate learning activities, design core curricula and implement them based on educational principles and theories, revise curricula based on trends current events of society and nursing care.

Course contents


At the end of the course the student must be able to:

Know the various types of training,

know and be able to recognize the structure of the training process (analysis of training needs, planning, implementation and evaluation),

know the different training strategies

develop a training project


Training and its different typologies

Adult education

The characteristics of professional training

The training process:

needs assessment




Professional development


Castagna M. 2004 Progettare la formazione. Guida metodologica per la progettazione del lavoro in aula Franco Angeli Editore. 

 Castagna M. 2004 Esercitazioni, casi e questionari. Come insegnare agli adulti conoscenze e capacità Franco Angeli Editore:

Zannini L. (2005) Fare formazione nei contesti di prevenzione e cura Lecce, Pensa Multi Media Editore.

Battistelli A. Majer, Odoardi 2009 sapere fare essere formazione come percorso di cambiamento nelle organizzazioni

Regione emilia Romagna Dossier 262/2017 Accompagnare le persone nei processi di cambiamento Linee di indirizzo regionali per progettare e realizzare la formazione continua in sanità. http://assr.regione.emilia-romagna.it/it/servizi/pubblicazioni/dossier/doss262

Quaglino,G. P  1985, Fare Formazione, Bologna, Il Mulino

 Quaglino,G.P 2005, Fare formazione: i fondamenti della formazione e i nuovi traguardi, Ed. Cortina

Teaching methods

In classroom: Lectures, presentation of problems in plenary, small group exercises

On Virtuale: teaching material before lessons: slides, articles of interest, consensus documents, examples) [flipped classroom for some topics]

Assessment methods

The evaluation involves the development of a training project.

Evaluation criteria: completeness and correctness of the training project in terms of consequential of the steps and coherence between the elements of the project, mastery of the contents and application of the acquired skills, originality and personal elaboration.

The final mark is expressed out of 30 points according to the following graduation:

30 cum laude, innovative, excellent and exhaustive implementation of the training project,

27-30, complete implementation of the project, good contents and methodological aspects.

20-26, good implementation of the project.

18-20 sufficient implementation of the project not described completely or which does not demonstrate an adequate application of the skills acquired

< 18 Insufficient: project not developed coherently or with methodological errors.

The test will be carried out according to the indications contained in the University regulations (which you are invited to consult) and according to any other indications provided from time to time by the academic bodies

For requests for clarification, contact the teacher via email for an appointment

The evaluation will be averaged with the evaluations of the other modules making up the Integrated Course

Teaching tools

In the classroom: PC, video projector, flipchart, scientific publications.

On virtuale: teaching material before lessons (slides, documents, article of interest, ethic cases) and communication

Office hours

See the website of Patrizia Di Giacomo


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.