65876 - Livestock Breeding

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Agricultural Technology (cod. 5832)

Learning outcomes

Al termine dell'insegnamento lo studente conosce i fattori che influiscono sulla produzione e qualità del latte e della carne, le principali caratteristiche delle razze di specie di interesse zootecnico, ed i metodi di selezione. In particolare lo studente è in grado di comprendere i principi su cui si basa l'organizzazione del miglioramento genetico per specie e per indirizzo produttivo ed è in grado di affrontare la gestione dei sistemi zootecnici più diffusi.

Course contents

Unit 1. Introduction to the course. Presentation of the contents and methods of assessment.

Unit 2. Anatomy and physiology
2.1 Apparatus breast, skeletal and digestive systems.

2.2 Reproduction

Knowledge into teaching 2
Basic knowledge necessary for understanding the quantitative-qualitative aspects of livestock production.

Unit 3. Milk production.
3.1 Production and milk quality.
3.2 Lactation curve.
3.3 Effect of environmental factors on the cow's milk production.
3.4 Effect of genetic factors on the cow's milk production.

Unit 4. Beef production.
4.1 Structure of muscle tissue.
4.2 Curves of growth.
4.3 Commercial classification of beef meats.
4.4 Meat quality.

Unit 5. Pigs.
5.1 Types of production.
5.2 Reproductive efficiency of the sow.
5.3 Porcine meat quality and major genes.
Knowledge gained in teaching units 3,4, and 5.
Knowledge of the main variation factors of different livestock productions.

Unit 6. Basis of genetic improvement.
6.1 Qualitative and quantitative traits.
6.2 Phenotypic, genetic, and environmental variability.
6.3 Heritability.
6.4 Selection.
6.4.1. Official recording.
6.4.2. Relationships.
6.4.3. Genetic evaluation of livestock.
6.5. Inbreeding and crossing.

Expected knowledge into teaching 6
Basic knowledge on the principles of genetic improvement

Unit 7. Selection

7.1 Milk selection: from official records to genetic indexes.

7.2 Selection in beef cattle.

7.3 Estimated breeding values in pigs.

Unit 8. Breeds

8.1 The most important pig breeds reared in Italy.

8.2 The most important cattle breeds reared in Italy.

Learning outcomes of teaching unit 8:

Knowledge about the most important pig breeds reared in Italy.

Knowledge about the most important cattle breeds reared in Italy.

Unit 9 . Tutorials
The students will be conducted in herds of cattle and pigs to check management of reproduction, breeding and genetic improvement.


Produzioni animali. Ed. A. Sandrucci, E. Trevisi. EDISES Università, Napoli, 2022.

Teaching methods

Overhead projector and PC for lectures. Laboratory

Assessment methods

The course is part of the Integrated Course of Rural buildings and livestock, together with the teaching of Rural buildings. The evaluation of the course takes into account jointly the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student in relation to the contents of all of the above teachings.

The knowledge and skills taught in this course are evaluated in the following manner.

The assessment of learning is based on a written test based on30 questions concerning the arguments examined during lectures. Each correct answer scores one point. The examen is passed with a minimum of 18 point. The assessment is expressed out of thirty.

All dates, times and locations of the examinations are published on the website of the degree course. To subscribe use the web application AlmaEsami.

Teaching tools

The course consists of lectures (2-8 units) and practical activities (9 unit).

Office hours

See the website of Stefania Dall'Olio


Zero hunger Good health and well-being Climate Action Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.