94341 - Scientific Museums and Inclusive Teaching Paths

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - knows principals cultural and theorical presuppositions of inclusive perspective; - knows methodological presuppositions for develope the inclusive perspective and the integration abuot disabled people; - knows differents between deficit and handicap and knows the methodological lines for design a life’s project with the inclusive perspective; -knows the principal sistems of classification promoted by OMS for the costruction a life project, that takes into account the charateristic of disable person and the context of belonging, starting about family; - knows the current educational approaches useful for promoting size independent living, autonomy and self-determination of people with disabilities; - is able to apply techniques and tools for the evaluation of interventions and educational projects aimed at people with disabilities;- is able to using different istruments for take information about original cultural context of people with disabilities; - is able to build a inclusive project recognizing the special needs and problem situations and working through a network of other professionals and all the local services; - is able to design a projesct that involves person with disabilities, family, school, local services for realize a life project; - is able to enter the world of work, using nowledges and theories acquired; - is able to integrate their knowledge as a function of changes in regulations and international guidelines; - is able to doing a documentation of educational experiences that refers to various institutional clients, families and services.

Course contents

The course proposes:

- To acquire theoretical paradigms, models and methodologies about the inclusive perspective

- To reflect around the definition of multifactorial and multidimensional models for taking care and care of situations, pupils / students experiencing disability, vulnerability, marginality and deviance.

Work develops from concrete experiences and from some testimonies related to the following areas:

- disability and the processes of inclusion (school and society);

- the difficulty of learning and the processes of inclusion (school and society);

- social desease and the processes of inclusion (school and society);

- science museums and people with disabilities:

- Universal Design for Learning


TRE testi di base obbligatori (per studenti frequentanti e non frequentanti):

1) Dainese R. (2016). Le sfide della Pedagogia Speciale e la Didattica per l'inclusione.Milano: FrancoAngeli

2) Dainese R. (a cura di) (2019). La rete di relazioni a sostegno della Didattica per l’inclusione. Milano: FrancoAngeli

3) Dainese R. (2018), Beni culturali e cittadini con disabilità: partecipare e fruire. In Panciroli Chiara (a cura di), Educare nella città, Milano: FrancoAngeli

One book of your choice:

1) Serra F., Tartaglia F., Venuti S. (2017), Operatori mussali e disabilità. Roma: Carocci

2) AA.VV. (2013), Dislessia e altri DSA a scuola. Le guide Erickson, Trento:Erickson


We recommend these texts:

1) Dainese R. (a cura di) (2019). La rete di relazioni a sostegno della Didattica per l’inclusione. Milano: FrancoAngeli

2) Dainese R. (2018), Beni culturali e cittadini con disabilità: partecipare e fruire. In Panciroli Chiara (a cura di), Educare nella città, Milano: FrancoAngeli

Teaching methods

Lessons, video analysis. The course is developed through an active and participatory methodology.

Assessment methods

Oral interview about some topics from the basic texts. Criteria for evaluation:

- correctness and clarity of language;

- reference to bibliographic sources;

- the ability to connect content to personal experience.

Teaching tools

PC, projector

Office hours

See the website of Roberto Dainese


Quality education Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.