81878 - Digital Media and Gender

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

The course aims to increase critical awareness of the gender inequalities recognizable in the communication of institutions, associations and private, public and non-profit entities and in particular of the media organizations (advertising, social campaigns, information). At the end of the course the student knows the contribution historically offered to Western societies by the main feminist currents in terms of values and concepts/principles expressed; the student knows the contents of the main debates that have emerged at national and international level in the field of Gender and Media Studies; in particular the student knows the feminist theoretical approaches to the Net and the new forms of discrimination of the female gender (gender digital divide, algorithmic discrimination, hate speech, revenge porn); the student is able to carry out qualitative research on gender representation in the media and on off/online audiences; the student is able to apply an inclusive "gender communication", free from gender stereotypes.


Course contents

The course consists of two modules. 

1. In the first part of the course, the history of the various feminist currents and the historical origin of the following concepts (adopted by public, private, non-profit entities and media organizations) will be retraced: gender, gender-sensitive communication, gender equality, gender mainstreaming, women empowerment, gender-sensitive language, gender and Corporate Social Responsibility, inclusion, intersectionality. Furthermore, topics addressed at national and international level in the Gender and Media Studies field are explored, such as the debate on feminism/postfeminist sensibility; gender representation in the media (femvertising, anti-violence social campaigns, information, political communication, TV series).

2. In the second part of the course, feminist theoretical approaches to the Net will be specifically considered and examples of models of female entrepreneurship on the web that challenge and subvert patriarchal ideology will be provided. Furthermore, particular attention is paid to the new forms of gender discrimination on the Net: algorithmic discrimination, hate speech and "revenge porn".



Essential reading list:

Saveria Capecchi (2018) "La comunicazione di genere. Prospettive teoriche e buone pratiche", Carocci, Roma.

- Manolo Farci-Cosimo Marco Scarcelli (2022) (a cura di), Media digitali, genere e sessualità, paragrafi: 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18.

Marzia Vaccari Appunti di femminismo digitale #1 2023, Malatempora editrice.

- Marzia Vaccari Appunti di femminismo digitale #2 Algoritmi e

Intelligenze Artificiali 2023 Amazon Kindle editions.

Recommended bibliography:

  • Gender, Raewyn Connell (2009, trad. it. "Questioni di genere", il Mulino, Bologna 2011, 2° ed.)
  • Le filosofie femministe, Adriana Cavarero e Franco Restaino (Mondadori, 2002)
  • Marzia Vaccari Tecnologia neutra ma non neutrale in Patrizia Violi, Cristina Demaria (a cura di), Tecnologie di genere. Teoria, usi e pratiche di donne nella Rete, Bononia University Press, 2008

    Gender and the media, Rosalind Gill (Polity, 2007)

     New Femininities, a cura di Rosalind Gill e Christina Scharff (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011)

     Empowered. Popular feminism and popular misogyny, Sarah Banet-Weiser (Duke University Press, 2018)

     Lo schermo del potere. Femminismo e regime della visibilità, Alessandra Gribaldo e Giovanna Zapperi (Ombre corte, 2012)

     Tutt’altro genere d’informazione coordinamento scientifico a cura di Monia Azzalini (2015)

     Campus, Donatella (2013), Women Political Leaders and the Media, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke

  •  Campus, Donatella (a cura di) (2010), L’immagine della donna leader, Bologna, Bononia University Press

  • Relazioni brutali. Genere e violenza nella cultura mediale, Elisa Giomi e Sveva Magaraggia (il Mulino, 2017)
  • Visioni del femminile a cura di Cristina Demaria e Roberta Sassatelli (“Studi culturali”, 3/2013)
  • Questioni di genere nel giornalismo italiano a cura di Milly Buonanno (“Problemi dell’informazione”, 3/2015)
  • Il prisma dei generi. Immagini di donne in tv, a cura di Milly Buonanno (Franco Angeli, 2014)
  • Genere e media: non solo immagini, a cura di Milly Buonanno e Franca Faccioli (Franco Angeli, 2020)
  • L'amore non uccide. Femminicidio e discorso pubblico: cronaca, tribunali, politiche, a cura di Pina Lalli (il Mulino, 2020)
  • Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies, special issue “Gender in Focus: Trajectories of Change in the Italian Media” a cura di Milly Buonanno e Franca Faccioli, vol. 2(11), 2023 https://doi.org/10.1386/jicms_00179_

  •  Altri testi consigliati su ALGORITMI E DISCRIMINAZIONE DI GENERE

  •  Aurélie Jean, Nel paese degli algoritmi, Neri Pozza Editore 2021

  •  Evans Claire, Connessione. Storia femminile di Internet, Luiss University Press 2020.

  •  O’Neil Cathy, Armi di distruzione matematica, Bompiani, 2017.

  •  Perez Criado Caroline, Invisibili, Einaudi 2020.

  •  Plant Sadie, Zero, uno, donne digitali, e tecnocultura con saggi di Simon Reynolds e Ippolita, Luiss University Press 2021.

Teaching methods

Lectures, case studies, seminars.

Assessment methods

International students: an essay (in English, French or Spanish) of 4.000 words on a topic of your choice within the ones tackled during the course. You will have to discuss your research in class, with a short power point presentation.

Teaching tools

Power point slides, videos.

Office hours

See the website of Saveria Capecchi

See the website of Marzia Vaccari