12660 - Town-Planning and Composition

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 0881)

Course contents

In this historical time characterized by social insecurity and economic crisis, it’s more than ever necessary to understand which is the role played by architecture. The discipline is now swinging back and forth between eye-catching shapes, originated from a global language and enjoying a great media exposure, and the difficulty to find expressions that try to respect specific traditions. In this time, we are forced to reconsider and rethink architecture composition, in order to find a meaning that has the power to set rules in the design process. Analyzing the work of some great architecture masters, the course has the aim to frame a small selection of elements and procedures proper of architecture composition, in order to build up new projects not in a random or self-referential way, but trying to establish an identity connection with the context.


The bibliography will be provided during the lessons.

Teaching methods

The teaching method consists in providing the student with the proper instruments of architectural composition, through the analysis of a relevant case study and then the development of a new project. Since this course is included in the fifth year program, our aim is to consider it not just a way to test the maturity reached by the student at the end of a whole course of study, but also a preparation for his entrance in the world of work, which is imminent. For this reason, the assignment of the project will simulate a design competition, which has strict rules and limits. In this way, the student is encouraged to comprehend dynamics and methodologies typical of this instrument, that is currently a really important channel to select quality projects.

Assessment methods

The final exam consists in the analysis of a famous case study, the presentation of the project and an oral test about the topics discussed during the lessons. Scoring system for the exam:

1 – Graphic quality of the drawings – 3 points
2 – Quality of the physical models – 6 points
3 – Quality of the distribution system – 6 points
4 – Correspondence with the theoretical aspects enunciated during the lessons – 6 points
5 – General architectural quality of the project – 9 points

Teaching tools

During the course, the student will be regularly provided with instruments to support the teaching: material used for the lessons, cartography and documentation about the project area, specific books to integrate the general bibliography.

Office hours

See the website of Matteo Agnoletto