69546 - Translation from Italian into French II (First Language)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Course contents

The Italian-French translation course will be based on authentic texts. The profession of translator will be described in depth.

The 40-hour module of translation into French aims to provide the linguistic, lexical and cultural tools to enable the student to translate authentic and specialised texts. The type of text will concern the tourism sector in its various aspects.

The course will therefore be based on an in-depth study of linguistic knowledge (syntax, grammar and vocabulary) in French as well as understanding the original text in Italian. Linguistic skills will be consolidated through pedagogical translation and discourse analysis exercises. Finally, a reflection on translation strategies and the various problems associated with them will be developed.

Lesson structure

Each student will be asked to do an individual translation of the texts, following (with a few variations) this scheme:

- collective discovery of the text: contextualisation, collective reading, identification of potential translation difficulties;

- documentary and terminological investigation: through research by the student and reading of French texts;

- in-depth study of grammatical and morphosyntactic notions

- individual translation of the text into French

- rereading and individual and collective corrections;


The texts to be translated will be provided by the lecturer by sharing them on Virtuale during the semester.

The readings indicated below are not compulsory but may help the student to develop his or her knowledge of the relevant discipline.

- Charles BARONE, Viceversa. La grammatica francese e il tradurre. Morfologia, Le Lettere, 1997

- Françoise BIDAUD, Grammaire du français pour Italophones, Utet Università

- Françoise BIDAUD, Exercices de grammaire française pour Italophones, Utet Università

-Mathieu GUIDERE, Introduction à la traductologie : penser la traduction : hier, aujourd'hui, demain. Bruxelles, Belgique: De Boeck, 2008

- Marie-France MERGER & Lorella SINI, Côte à côte, préparation à la traduction de l’italien au français, La Nuova Italia, 1995.

- Françoise MOUILLER ZANETTI, Michèle CARZACCHI FONDA, L'acrobatraducteur. Réflexions et exercices grammaticaux pour la traduction italien-français, Aracne, 2006

- Jean-Paul PIEROZZI, Esercizi di traduzione dall’italiano in francese, ed. Quattroventi, 1992.

- Josiane PODEUR, La pratica della traduzione. Dal francese in italiano e dall’italiano in francese, Napoli, Liguori, 2002.

- Josiane PODEUR, Jeux de traduction/Giochi di traduzione, Napoli, Liguori, 2002.

Teaching methods

The course is based on active participation by the student.

The translation work will be individual or collective (groups of 2 to 4) and the translated text will have to be sent by e-mail for collective or personal correction to take into account all difficulties and reflections.

Corrections made by the lecturer during the semester will not be subject to evaluation.

The course requires compulsory attendance of at least 70% of the lessons in order to have access to the examination.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Assessment methods

At the end of the course, the student must pass an examination consisting of a written specialised translation test of an Italian text into French 350 words.

For the translation, students will be able to use monolingual Italian and French dictionaries and a glossary prepared in class, as well as the main computer tools (the test will take place in a classroom equipped with computers).

Teaching tools

- platform Virtuale

- monolingual and bilingual dictionaries

- encyclopaedias and vocabularies

- specialised sites

Office hours

See the website of Giulia Delfini