39311 - Nursing Internship 2 (RN)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8475)

Learning outcomes

The student at the end of the internship is able to identify and satisfy the needs of the person with medium assistance complexity. It is able to establish effective interpersonal relationships in order to activate a supportive relationship with the person/family. Be part of the organization of the service through their activities, integrating into the multiprofessional team respecting the deontological principles of the profession.

Course contents

Requirements for admission to the Internship exam:

Have passed the clinical internships of the year with positive evaluation;
Have acquired the amount of internship hours provided for in the year and the prerequisites provided for in the study plan;
The examination of Professional Laboratory 2 and Seminars I for the examination of Internship 2;
The student must have completed the clinical internship with positive evaluation by no more than one calendar year. If more than one calendar year has elapsed since the end of the internship, the student must re-certify the acquired skills, with a period of internship of at least four weeks and in any case a period necessary to verify the expected training objectives. The hours spent for re-certification are not cumulative in the total time;
The student must also produce and deliver a clinical case, according to the procedures provided (see information on the website)

It is preferable that the student has taken and passed all the exams scheduled for the current year.

Failure to satisfy the above requirements shall not result in admission to the test.

The student must register only and exclusively online: students are not allowed outside the registration lists.



Regulations for the practical training of internships - cdl Nursing - Campus Rimini (June 2016);
Gordon Pattern (Revision March 2019 and attachments);
Indications for the preparation of the clinical case Year 2019;
Document: Workshops and Seminars in Depth I and II (DM 270/04) A.A. 2023-24 for students;
AUSL Romagna company procedures (referring to the contents of the course year).

Riferimenti normativi e deontologici

  • D.M. 739/94 Decreto 14 settembre 1994, n° 739: “Regolamento concernente l’individuazione della figura e del relativo profilo professionale dell’infermiere”;
  • Legge 42/1999: "Disposizioni in materia di professioni sanitarie";
  • Legge 251/2000: "Disciplina delle professioni sanitarie infermieristiche, tecniche, della riabilitazione, della professione, nonchè della professione ostetrica";
  • Legge 1°febbraio 2006 n. 43: “Disposizioni in materia di professioni sanitarie infermieristiche, ostetrica, riabilitative, tecnico-sanitarie e della prevenzione e delega al Governo per l’istituzione dei relativi ordini professionali”;
  • OPI: Codice Deontologico delle professioni infermieristiche, 2019;
  • Il concetto di etica e deontologia professionale;
  • I valori professionali.
    • Badon,P., Canesi M., Monterosso,A. Pellegatta F. (2018) Procedure infermieristiche, Milano, Zanichelli, .[riferite ai contenuti dell’ anno di corso]
    • Collegi IPASVI Regione Emilia – (2011) Romagna, Autonomia-Competenza-Responsabilità infermieristica (escluso il codice deontologico 2009) Bologna;
    • Craven, R., Hirnle C. (2013) Capitolo 9: Processo infermieristico la base per la pratica inPrincipi fondamentali dell'assistenza infermieristica (Quarta Edizione). Volume 1. Milano, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana;
    • Craven, R., Hirnle C. (2013) Principi fondamentali dell'assistenza infermieristica (Quarta Edizione). Volume 1e 2. Milano, Casa Editrice AmbrosianaDi Giacomo, P. & Rigon, L.A. (2016). Capitolo 4 la pianificazione dell’assistenza infermieristica e ostetrica in Assistenza Infermieristica e ostetrica in area materno-infantile; 2°ed Milano. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana;
    • Gordon, M., Diagnosi infermieristiche. (2009) Processo e applicazioni. Milano. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana;
    • Herdman, T.H. & Kamitsuru, S. (a cura di). (2018) NANDA International Diagnosi Infermieristiche: Definizioni e classificazione 2018-20. Milano. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana;
    • Hinkle J.L. & Cheever K.H. (2017) Brunner Suddarth. Infermieristica medico-chirurgica. Vol. 1 e 2. Milano Zanichelli Editore (riferite ai contenuti dell’ anno di corso);
    • Nebuloni G. (2017) Assistenza infermieristica alla persona anziana 2 ed. Milano. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana;
    • Rigon L & Di Giacomo P. Capitolo 4 la pianificazione dell’assistenza infermieristica con le tassonomie NNN in Nebuloni G. (2017) Assistenza infermieristica alla persona anziana 2 ed. Milano. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana;
    • Rigon L. Capitolo3 Assistenza infermieristica con le tassonomie NNN in Badon,P., Canesi M., Monterosso,A. Pellegatta F. (2018) Procedure infermieristiche, Milano, Zanichelli;
    • Wilkinson J.M. (2013)"Processo infermieristico e pensiero critico"", 3° edizione Milano. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.

Teaching methods


Multiple Choice Question of No. 30 Micro cases built on the core curriculum of the 1st and 2nd year of the Degree Programme, to be held in 45'.

The passing / fitness (at least 18 questions out of 30 correct), provides for admission to the oral test.

Diagnostic reasoning on the last clinical case prepared by the student during the 2 year clinical internship;
Draw and exposure of one of the Procedure of the 1 and 2 years, in compliance with the following: Document Laboratories and Seminars A.A. 2023-24 for the student.

4. Drawing a question on the topics of the specific professional and ethical - deontology.

Maximum 20 minutes for oral debate


CLINICAL CASE: comprehensive patient data collection, appropriate use of Assessment Scales, correct formulation of Priority Nursing Diagnosis, consistent formulation of Goal/result for the assisted person and result indicator, explanation of the interventions and relative motivations. The candidate must demonstrate clinical reasoning and critical reasoning.

PROCEDURE: The definition, responsibilities, purpose and indications, preparation and assessment of the person, risks and complications, registration/documentation must be fully explained.

QUESTIONS RELATED TO THE SPECIFIC PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICS/DEONTOLOGY: demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of the nursing profession expressed in the Code of Ethics of the Nurse and in the professional regulations.

Assessment methods

The certificate evaluation of the Internship exam includes the overall evaluation of the clinical internship and the exam. The evaluation of the clinical internship is the result of the arithmetic average of the assessments obtained by the student during the internship, expressed in 30/30 minutes.

Prerequisite: Positive assessment (above 18/30) of all traineeships completed during the year. Arithmetic average of the placement evaluation (50%)

Test/Micro multiple choice cases:

admitted or not admitted to the oral test

Elaboration and exposure of the clinical case;
Presentation of the Procedure drawn (1 year. and 2 year);
Exposition of the ethical/deontological question - professional drawn.


The evaluation of the examination test is the result of the arithmetic average of: presentation/diagnostic reasoning/discussion of the clinical case, presentation of the Procedure and the Ethical question - deontological. The final grade is the result of the arithmetic average of the evaluation of the internship and the exam (50% + 50%).

Teaching tools

Regulations of Internship cdl Nursing - Campus of Rimini;
Clinical case format/ indications for drawing up the clinical case;
Individual summary of the student; compilation CLEQEI;
Hard copy of the student career for the verification of the propedeuticities;
Internship exam program on the website of the teacher;
Test report for each student.

Office hours

See the website of Milena Spadola