31145 - French Literature 2

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course the student will adequately know the overall problems and the single aspects of the history of literature; he/she will be able to understand and translate original texts; he/she will possess the basic knowledge which are indispensable to undertake their critical interpretation, and will be able to comment upon them and to expound them by specific literary methods.

Course contents

Through the reading (full texts or selected passages) of some narrative and lyric texts published during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries, we will study the forms of the narrative prose (from Prévost’s Manon Lescaut to the « philosophical » narratives by Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau), paying particular attention to the ways of representing, on the one hand, the everyday life of Parisian metropolis (Mercier) and, on the other side, the French historical context from Bourbon Restoration (Balzac, Colonel Chabert) to the fall of Second Empire (Zola, La Débâcle).


The bibliography for the students whether attending or not attending is one and the same

Storia europea della letteratura francese, II. Dal Settecento all'età contemporanea, edited by L. Sozzi, Torino, Einaudi, 2013, parte IV, “Il Settecento” (pp. 5-113) e parte V, “L’Ottocento” (pp. 129-226).

R. Campi, Nel paese dei contrasti. Parigi nella letteratura da Montesquieu a Mercier, Milano, Medusa, in uscita nelle librerie nel gennaio 2024.

Integral reading in french text:

Prévost, Manon Lescaut (recommanded edition Gallimard, Folio);

Balzac, Le Colonel Chabert (recommanded edition, Gallimard, “Folio”);

Zola, La débâcle (recommanded edition Gallimard, “Folio”).

Important: two Dossiers (part I e part II), containing a choice of selected texts (both critical and literary), which can be downloaded (in PDF format) at the web page of the teacher (all the files which appear among the "materiali didattici" must be carefully studied in order to pass the examination)

Teaching methods


Assessment methods

During the oral test, partly in Italian and partly in French language, the basic knowledge of the subject matter of the course, that is to say the historical and literary period of the XVIII and XIX centuries, will be assessed. See the bibliography for the pages of Storia europea della letteratura francese (edited by L. Sozzi), which is MANDATORY STUDY for ALL the students, whether attending or non attending, and is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to pass the examination.

Furthermore, the knowledge of the selected texts and of the single authors’ works dealt with during the lectures and present in bibliography will be assessed to evaluate the student’s critical and interpretative skill. Therefore, an in-depth knowledge of the historical development of the two centuries, together with the skill to correctly interpret the texts, will be evaluated as excellent, while the purely descriptive skill to sum up and to set forth the historical and literary problems emerging from the reading of single texts will be evaluated as sufficient. The incapacity to grasp the logical and descriptive connections between historical and cultural phenomena, critical and theoretical notions and literary works will be evaluated as insufficient.

Teaching tools

Didactic materials will be available to the students both online and in pdf format, as well as in photocopy.

Office hours

See the website of Riccardo Campi