12355 - Basic Computer Science

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in History (cod. 0962)

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course students will have a basic knowledge of computer science, having learned the working principles of software systems, and understanding the technical lexis of the subject. The student will also grasp the fundamental concepts involved in designing and implementing multimedia systems, especially in the World Wide Web environment.

Course contents

Meaning and implications of the term digital

The computer: nature, function, naming

Machine language and logic

Coding and computational thinking

The algorithm and software

Properties of algorithms

Algorithm representation languages

Key concepts of computability
Programming languages

Data structures

Applications of computer science to the humanities

Electronic archives and databases

Database management systems in historical research and their use by historians

Internet and the World Wide Web
Architecture and standards for the Web

Content on the Web

Representation, dissemination, search and preservation of digital resources on the Web

Open archives

Digital libraries

University of Bologna digital resources

Disruptive technologies

Artificial intelligence Blockchain and NFT

The Metaverse and the technologies it uses (augmented reality, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things).


  • Basic text: R. Borruso - S. Russo, Humanistic approach to computer science. A world of BIT, 2 ediz., Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples, 2023.

  • Teaching materials made available by the lecturer on the University VIRTUAL platform [https://virtuale.unibo.it/ ].All materials provided will be in Italian. The study of only the material provided by the lecturer is not sufficient for passing the exam with flying colors.

Teaching methods

Teaching will be conducted in presence (classroom and computer lab lectures).

Assessment methods

The 'exam consists of an oral interview aimed at assessing the knowledge and critical and methodological skills gained by the student, who will be invited to engage with the texts, themes and methodological issues addressed during the course and exercises. Possible tests (with multiple choice question, multiple answer, true or false statement, open answer, word association, custom question) could be administered on the EOL platform. In the assessment of the examination test, particular consideration will be given to the student's ability to navigate within the sources, topics covered in class and the examination bibliography to illustrate themes and problems, and to be able to make connections between them. The student's mastery of the content and ability to synthesize and analyze themes and concepts and the ability to express himself/herself adequately and in language appropriate to the subject matter will then be assessed. The student's attainment of an organic view of the topics addressed in class jointly with their critical use, good mastery of expression and specific language will be evaluated with grades of excellence; formative gaps and/or inappropriate language - albeit in the context of minimal knowledge of the examination material - will lead to grades that do not exceed sufficiency.

Teaching tools

At the beginning of the course, a cognitive survey will be conducted on the training and basic computer knowledge/skills possessed by the students by means of a questionnaire with mulipla, true/false, short answer and open answer type questions. This cognitive survey will enable the lecturer to calibrate the lessons in order to homogenize students' skills and fully ensure the teaching effectiveness of the course. Monitoring of learning at the conclusion of each topic covered in class with questionnaires to direct, modify, make the learning process more effective. Online collaborative teaching tools to supplement traditional classroom teaching activities : Moodle platform, forum, chat, web conference wiki. Fruition of content (textual and multimedia learning materials, videos, exercises) available on the delivery platform Online teaching to registered students. Online teaching resources : sitography

Office hours

See the website of Stefano Russo


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.