96034 - Emerging Topics in Cellular Phisiology

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Molecular and Cell Biology (cod. 5825)

Learning outcomes

This course provides an in-depth, cutting-edge knowledge and a strong scientific background on cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying cellular physiological processes. At the end of the course, the student acquires an excellent knowledge of cellular physiology, especially concerning ion flows across the membrane of both excitable and non-excitable cells, signal transduction in sensory receptors and mechanisms of structural and functional synaptic plasticity. Besides, the student will gain the theoretical basis of the main-used techniques to investigate the cellular bioelectrical activity, together with their application fields and methodological aspects. These procedures are designed to obtain signals arising from cell populations, single cells, and ion flows across membrane-located single channels. Moreover, the student will learn about biomolecular approaches to support the functional studies. In this way, the student develops a critical view of physiological processes, as well as of their disruption in the most common diseases, including tumors, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases. Thanks to the acquired knowledge of cellular and molecular physiological emerging topics, students improve their ability to critically discuss and suggest solutions to face complex biological problems.

Course contents

  • Physiopathological role of the mechanisms of protein degradation: ubiquitin-proteasome system and protein degradation through lysosomal vesicles (autophagy).

  • Physiopathological processes of cell death: necrosis and programmed necrosis vs apoptosis and autophagic cell death.

  • Physiopathological mechanisms of intercellular communication: conventional signal pathways, novel signal molecules (nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide), communication by extracellular vesicles.

  • Mechanisms of neuroendocrine regulation of energetic homeostasis: endocrine glands and brain endocrine organs, atypical endocrine systems (adipose tissue and microbiota).

  • Mechanisms of regulation of cellular senescence: pro-inflammatory pathways and implications in neuroinflammatory diseases.

  • The glymphatic system: anatomical organization, function, and physiological regulation of the clearance pathway in the central nervous system.



There are no textbooks available, but power point presentations, scientific articles and reviews presented during the lessons will be made available.

Teaching methods

The teaching methods include lectures conducted by the teacher with the support of power point presentations that will be shared with students, and journal clubs conducted by students with the presentation of scientific articles that will be discussed with the class.

Assessment methods

The presentation of the scientific article provided for the journal club constitutes 50% of the final grade that will be integrated with the remaining 50% with an oral interview on the topics covered in class.

Teaching tools

Power point presentations, scientific articles and reviews presented in class will be made available to students.

Office hours

See the website of Francesca Massenzio