85627 - Animal Production Economics and Policy

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Safety And Quality In Animal Production (cod. 5728)

Learning outcomes

Consistently with the general objectives of the MSc degree course in Safety and Quality in Animal Production, the present Integrated Course has the following purposes: (a) to complete the framework of the technical knowledge acquired by the Student with the economic and regulatory aspects that influence the organization of the zootechnical supply chains; (b) provide the future professional with the analytical tools necessary for the economic evaluation of European regulations that affect the management and the organization of production chains and livestock farms. In this context, priority is given to the rules of the Common Agricultural Policy and, secondarily, to other potentially influential sectoral policies, from a system perspective (health and environmental policies, consumer protection rules).

Course contents

Agricultural economics

Main components of the agro-food system. Features and evolution of food demand. Methods and tools to analyse demand and consumer behaviour models. Food supply system. Methods for the supply chain analysis, focussing in particular on animal food.

Supply chain structure and organization through the functional phases (animal farms, processing industries, food distribution). Relationships among food supply phases: integration and coordination devices. Value chain and business models of the agro-food system. Structural and emerging problems of the animal food supply chains (quality and quality certification; animal health problems: bio-security, animal welfare, drugs use and antimicrobial resistance)

Agricultural Policy

Assumption and evolution of the Common Agricultural Policy. Intervention models and mechanisms. Types and classification of specific measures, based on the Theory of Change and the intervention logic model (input-output-outcomes-impact).

The economic analysis of animal food CAP. Basic concepts for the economic analysis of the policy measures., Farm level analysis. Aggregate analysis (sector, supply chain, system).

Development of interactive exercises on the economic impact of the CAP (case study).

Non attending Students are warmely adviced to put particular attention to the following issues: production theory and production cost calculation (Zucchi, 2006), AFS organization (Mariani and Viganò, 2002) (see Reading/Bibliorgafy section).



Notes and slides delivered by the Teacher during the course.

Zucchi, G. Zooeconomia. Economia del sistema delle produzioni animali. Ed. Avenue media, Bologna, 2006

Mariani A., Vigano' E. (2002) Il sistema agroalimentare dell'Unione Europea, Carocci Editore, Roma

- Fanfani F. (1998) Lo sviluppo della politica agricola comune. Il Carroccio Ed., Roma

- Evaluating EU Activities. An Introduction. The European Commission, Brussels, 2005

- Institutional materials downloaded from DG Agriculture and Rural Development, DG Health and Food Safety, EURLEX and other EU official sites related to agriculture and food.

On line papers (ad es: AgriRegioniEuropa: https://agriregionieuropa.univpm.it/it ; Gruppo 2013: https://www.gruppo2013.it/Pagine/default.aspx)

Teaching methods

Front courses

Case study analysis and problem solving approach

Participatory teaching methods. 1) During the classes, Students are regularly required to apply the basic economic concepts and analytical schemes to practical cases and problems, suggested by the Sudents or by the Teacher himself. 2) At least once during the course (mid/final part) a review session is developed, based on Teacher instruction, where Students are demanded to recall the arguments treated during the classes, structure them according to logical criteria, identify functional links among concepts and analytical schemes.

Following the teaching methos, Students are warmly recommended to attend the courses, in presence or from remote, according to general guidelines

Assessment methods

Oral examination. The aim of the oral examination is knowledge assessment.

Examination list will be published on Alma Esami. On-line examinations are performed through institutional platforms (Teams), directly linked to the public examination list (e.mail convocation and participation link).

No support material is allowed during the examinations. Students with particular needs will aks the Teacher for adequate solutions. The duration is at least 30'.

During the examination Students will be asked at least 3 questions concerning respectively: 1) Production theory, 2) Agronomy and farm management, 3) Markets and food system organization. The result of the examination is positive when the Candidate shows at least a minimal knowledge concerning the above-mentioned points.

A deep and complete knowledge of the topics addressed in the course, together with high skills of critical analysis, connection and a sure command of specific terminology will be evaluated with the maximum score (30-30L);

A thorough knowledge of most of the topics addressed in the course, together with good analytical and critical skills and the possession of a sure command of specific terminology will be evaluated with good marks (25-29/30);

A technically adequate preparation even with some lacks, a sufficient analytical capacity though not completely articulated, expressed in a correct language, will produce notes between 20 and 24/30);

A preparation showing some lacks, a sufficient analytical capacity which require Teacher support, expressed in a barely correct language, will determine lower evaluation (18-19/30).

Teaching tools

Slide presentation

Case analysis

Exercises and test based on web applications

Course materials are available at IOL. Students are invited to e.mail the Teacher for any problem concerning the access, the organization or the content of published materials.

Office hours

See the website of Maurizio Aragrande