Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Mediterranean Societies and Cultures: Institutions, Security, Environment (cod. 5696)

    Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Cultural Heritage (cod. 9076)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to educate the knowledge and understanding of the history of Christian churches and corresponding ecclesiological structures as indispensable elements for the analysis of modern and contemporary society, especially in relation to its artistic heritage. Through the thematic paths and the analysis of concrete examples, at the end of the course, the student has the tools to critically analyze the influence of Christianity in religious, political and, above all, artistic-cultural context.


Course contents

The course, after some general and methodological lessons designed to provide indispensable institutional tools and knowledge, provides the analysis of the central knots of religious and churches history in the 16th and 21st centuries, paying particular attention to the perception, production, use and protection of the Cultural, Monumental and Artistic Heritage that the different ecclesial realities testify both in Europe and in the lands under the missionary action. Among the themes in depth: 1) Value and use of images between the Council of Trent (1545-1563) and Vatican II (1962-65). 2) The material and spiritual conquest of the New World. 3) The events that involved the Society of Jesus in the eighteenth century - the expulsion and suppression of the Order- and the consequent impact of the presence of Jesuits expelled in the Pontifical State. 4) History of Women and Churches.

Seminars on the theme: Women, Scripture and Religions will be held on 20 and 21 April 2023.

The themes developed in class will be deepened by guided tours and participation in seminars and multidisciplinary meetings. There will be also planned visits to monumental complexes which will be announced during the development of the lessons.


A) Manual chosen from (Attending and Non-Attendig Students):

- G.L.Podestà- G.Vian, Storia del Cristianesimo, Il Mulino, Bologna 2014, pp. 291-515. (edizione 2010 pp: 253-455)

-Jörg Ernesti, Le Chiese cristiane. Identità ed evoluzione storica, 2012

Marco Rochini, Giuliano Chiapparini, Manuale di agiografia. Fonti, storia e immagini della santità, Morcelliana 2022.

B) Studies (Non-Attending Students)

1) A choice between:

a- P.Prodi, Il paradigma tridentino. Un'epoca della storia della Chiesa, Morcelliana, Brescia, 2010.

b- A.Prosperi, Il Concilio di Trento: una introduzione storica, Einaudi, Torino, 2001.

2) Add Chapter Study  n. 10, 11, 12 di Marco Rochini, Giuliano Chiapparini, Manuale di agiografia. Fonti, storia e immagini della santità, Morcelliana 2022.

C) Further bibliography: (Only Attending Students)

Attending students may replace the requirements in section B) Studies with texts that will be presented during the course or indicated in C) Further bibliography. The choice of these essays and books will have to be agreed with the professor during lesson hours and / or office hours.

O.Niccoli, Vedere con gli occhi del cuore. Alle origini del potere delle immagini, Editori Laterza 2011.

A.Prosperi, Il Concilio di Trento: una introduzione storica, Einaudi, Torino 2001.

P.Prodi, Il paradigma tridentino. Un'epoca della storia della Chiesa, Morcelliana, Brescia 2010.

E.Bonora, La giustizia intollerante. Inquisizione e tribunali confessionali in Europa (secoli IV-XVIII), Carocci, Roma 2006.

A. Prosperi, Tribunali della coscienza. Inquisitori, confessori, missionari. Einaudi, Torino 1996.

H.Rawlings, L'inquisizione spagnola, Il Mulino, Bologna 2008.

R.Rusconi, L'ordine dei peccati. La confessione tra Medioevo e età moderna, Il Mulino, Bologna 2002.

G.Martina, Storia della Chiesa da Lutero ai nostri giorni, Morcelliana, Brescia 1983, vol. I, L'età della Riforma, pp.55-262; vol II, L'età dell'assolutismo, pp.13-92 e pp.155-302.

G. Dall’Olio, Martin Lutero, Carocci, Roma 2013

A.A. Cassi, Ultramar. L'invenzione europea del Nuovo Mondo, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 2007.

L.Guarnirei Calò Carducci, Idolatria e identità creola in Perù, Le cronache andine tra Cinquecento e Seicento, Viella, Roma 2007.

L'istruzione in Italia tra Sette e Ottocento , a cura di A.Bianchi, vol. I, La Scuola, Brescia 2007.

S.Pavone, I Gesuiti dalle origini alla soppressione, Ed. Laterza, Bari, 2004.

La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi , a cura di U.Baldini- G.P.Brizzi, Clueb, Bologna 2010.

M.Gotor, Chiesa e santità nell'Italia moderna, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 2004.

F.-G.Lanzi, Come riconoscere i santi e i patroni nell'arte e nelle immagini popolari, Jaca Book, Milano 2003.

D.Menozzi, La Chiesa e le immagini. I testi fondamentali sulle arti figurative dalle origini ai nostri giorni, San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo, 1995.

Attraverso il tempo. Teresa di Gesù, la parola, il modello, l’eredità, a cura di E.Marchetti, Longo, Ravenna 2017.

Donne, potere e religione. Studi per Sara Cabibbo, Franco Angeli, Milano 2017.

E.Marchetti-R.Pini, Orsola e le sue compagne. Aspetti del culto tra Bologna e Ravenna secoli XIII-XVIII, Du.Press, Bologna 2009.

E.Marchetti-G.L.Tusini, Vita culturale e idee sull'arte negli anni del Vaticano II, con un saggio di F.Finocchiaro, Aracne, Roma 2010.

G.Garzia-E.Marchetti-G.L.Tusini, Rifiuti e società. Arte, storia e regole giuridiche, Aracne, Roma 2012.

E. Marchetti, M. Neve, G.L.Tusini, Viaggi e pellegrinaggi. Storia, estetica e territorio, Aracne, Roma 2016.

E. Marchetti, Ravenna attraverso le sue confraternite, Du.Press, Bologna 2012.

M. Introvigne, I Testimoni di Geova, Cantagalli, Siena 2015.

E. Morini, Gli Ortodossi, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2002

Fontes. Documenti fondamentali di storia della Chiesa, a cura di L. Martínez Ferrer –P. L. Guiducci, Ed. San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo 2005.

U. Mazzone, Cristianesimo. Istituzioni e società dalla Rivoluzione francese alla globalizzazione, Archetipolibri, Bologna 2011.

M. Pelaja, L. Scaraffia, Due in una carne: chiesa e sessualità nella storia, Laterza, Roma-Bari. 2014.

A. Valerio, Maria di Nazaret: storia, tradizioni, dogmi, Il Mulino, Bologna 2017.

Per lettera. La scrittura epistolare femminile tra archivio e tipografia secoli XV-XVII, a cura di Gabriella Zarri, Roma, Viella, 1999

Dolce dono graditissimo. La lettera privata dal Settecento al Novecento, a cura di M.L. Betri, D. Maldini Chiarito, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2003

A. Valerio, Leopoldina Naudet, L'epistolario (1799-1834), 4 volumi, Gabrielli Editori, S. Pietro in Cariano, 2016-2018.

A. Valerio, Leopoldina Naudet, L’Amicizia Cristiana e la Bibbia: l’influenza dei gesuiti nell’apostolato del libro, in Archivum Historicum S.J., 2015 (1)

-E. Fontana Castelli, Archivio e Biblioteca Leopoldina Naudet, Verona , in Conoscere, conservare, valorizzare il patrimonio culturale religioso , a cura di O. Niglio e C. Visentin, vol. 3, Archivi , biblioteche , musei , Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2017,

-Archivio e Biblioteca Leopoldina Naudet, Verona, in Conoscere, conservare, valorizzare il patrimonio culturale religioso, a cura di O. Niglio e C. Visentin, vol. 3, Archivi, biblioteche, musei, Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2017.

Fernando e Gioia Lanzi, Pellegrinaggi e santuari cristiani nel mondo, Jaca Book, 2005

Giorgia Severi, Sacred forest, 2022

Teaching methods

Throughout the course, the professor, in addition to the frontal lesson, will use: the text analysis - that will be provided to the students; Projection of images and other audio-visual material; Guided tours and multidisciplinary meetings on topics related to the program

Assessment methods

The exam consists of an oral interview to be held at the end of the lessons. It will be divided into main questions that will apply:

To Attending Students:

-Point of Program A) Manuals

- The topics analyzed and discussed in class also through the presented and distributed materials.

-Point of Program C)Further Bibliography. Attending Students will agree with the teacher the theme and the readings that they intend to deepen choices in point C) Further Bibliography.

For Non-Attending Students:

-Point of Program A) Manuals

-Point of Program B) Studies.

For the purposes of passing the exam, the student must demonstrate that he has understood the main topics discussed during the Course, setting them chronologically and critically in the context of modern and contemporary age. The student must demonstrate that he / she is able to use the appropriate terminology, to know how to move between themes with the support of the sources by working the appropriate links. The final evaluation will also take account of the student's interventions during lectures, attendance at seminars and conferences organized or reported by the teacher. The attendance of the lessons is essential for the achievement of a good evaluation profit.

Marks will be evaluated according following criteria:

The critical knowledge will be evaluated very positive or positive the student's ability to demonstrate the acquired knowledge in a personal and critical way, using an appropriate language.

More than sufficient will be evaluated the mnemonic knowledge, expressed with conciveness, in a correct language but not very appropriate.

Sufficient will be evaluated the basic knowledge expressed with inappropriate language.

Insufficient will be evaluated the incomplete knowledge of the readings, the incorrect and inappropriate language, the inability to manage bibliographies and texts analized during the lessons.

Teaching tools

The front lesson will be supported and completed by reading and commenting on sources, provided in a photocopy lesson; From the vision and commentary of audiovisual material. Guided visits to archives and exhibitions are also provided, which, in collaboration with other Courses, will provide a multidisciplinary picture of the lessons learned.

Office hours

See the website of Elisabetta Marchetti


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.