90716 - Introduction to Dialogue Interpreting between Arabic and Italian

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Ahmad Addous
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: L-OR/12
  • Language: Arabic
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

Students learn the standard topics of Arabic language.

Comprehension of written and spoken Modern Arabic.

Usage of modern Arabic grammar more than traditional grammatical methodology.

Course contents

The course should continue some of the topics discussed in the first module by deepening the skills and basic tools of linguistic mediation needed to manage professionally many interlinguistic and intercultural communication situations: formal and informal dialogues in communicative contexts (museum, airport, hotel, university campus, etc.), translation from Arabic to Italian of topics related to Arabic culture and literature, basic glossary of a variety of text types and simulation exercises.


1. L. Veccia-Vaglieri, Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua araba, Roma, Ist. Per l'Oriente (ed. varie);

2. J. A. Haywood, A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language, London, Huphries;

3. A. Al- Addous, Arabo Fondamentale: Materiali didattici, Bologna, Libreria Bonomo Editrice, 2008;

4. S. Attar, Modern Arabic: An Introductory Course for Foreign Students, Beirut 1988.


1. R. Traini, vocabolario Arabo-Italiano, Roma, Ist. Per l'Oriente;

2. Langenscheidt. Arabo-italiano, italiano-arabo, Mondadori, 2014;

3. M. Balabaki, Al-Mawrid: A modern English -Arabic Dictionary, Beirut 2002;

4. The Oxford English- Arabic Dictionary of current usage, ed. da N. S. Doniach, Oxford University Press, 1984;

5. Von Georg Krotkoff, Arabisch-Deutsch/ Deutsch-Arabisch, Berlin [etc.], Langenscheidt, 1976.

History, Literature, Culture and Civilization

Allen, R. (2000) An Introduction t Arabic Literature, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Donini, P. G. (2003) Il mondo islamico. breve storia dal Cinquecento a oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari.


Gutas, D. (1998) Greek Thought, Arabic Culture: the Graeco-Arabic translation movement in Baghdad and early 'Abbasid society (2nd-4th/8th-10th c.), Routledge, New York.

Hourani, A. (1988) Storia dei popoli arabi, Milano, Mondadori.

Jayyusi, s. Kh. (1991) Modern arabic literature, Columbia University Press, New York.

Pellegrini, G. (1972) Gli arabismi nelle lingue neolatine, Brescia.

Said, E. (1999) Orientalismo, Bollati-Boringhieri (anche ed, economica Feltrinelli).

Soravia, G. (2005) La letteratura araba, Bologna, Clueb.

Teaching methods

Practical exercise, audio and video recording.

Assessment methods

The course will end with a written examination test, followed an oral examination.

Teaching tools

A. al-Addous; G. Soravia, Iman: corso di lingua araba in CD-Rom. Bologna: Clueb, 2003;

A. Al-Addous; S. Nanni, Al-Teatro: drammaturgie didattiche per l’apprendimento dell’arabo letterario, voll. I-VII, Libreria Bonomo editrice, Bologna 2015-2020;

A. Al-Addous, Arabo fondamentale: materiali didattici, Libreria Bonomo editrice, Bologna 2008

Office hours

See the website of Ahmad Addous