Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Rita Casadei
  • Credits: 8
  • SSD: M-PED/01
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and managing of educational intervention in social distress (cod. 9229)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - knows the theoretical framework and the main operational directions proper to the phenomenological paradigm applied to pedagogy and educational praxis; - has adequate knowledge of the different user profiles; - is able to apply the acquired knowledge in the design of educational and training processes aimed at the inclusion of social discomfort; - knows the social and cultural structures present in the territory and is able to activate exchanges and collaborations with them; - has knowledge and skills to promote training and updating activities aimed at community educators; - is an expert in the design of prevention interventions; - is able to coordinate and direct the work of social educators and social workers; - has good communication skills both in the relationship with the individual subject in education and in the relationship with groups of subjects in education; - is able to make use of the learning methods tested and the analysis tools acquired to independently provide for the updating and deepening of his or her knowledge; - is able to independently identify appropriate and functional training tools and paths for the development of his or her personal and professional growth.

Course contents

Aim of the course is to guide knowledge-reflection-critical-operational skills in connection with the holistic approach, the scientific paradigm of mind-body unity, in the enhancement of aesthetic experience as well, so as to prefigure educational planning as a process and experience capable of promoting well-being and being-good. Matrix theme: educating for health that can be decoded as care of self; care of others; care of relationships; care of the social and natural environment.

It begins with the consideration that education is about getting educated-educating oneself to Life. It is a project that cannot avoid dealing with real issues related to corporeity, the environment, the quality of inter- and intra-subjective relationships, and the unity of mind-body-heart. The original experience of deviance is the inability to get in tune with oneself, in one's wholeness and complexity. With reference to the pedagogical paradigms of main relevance, a critical-operational proposal aimed at enhancing the wholeness of the person through the understanding of ecological and aesthetic experience in the processes of education, reeducation and training will be favored.

The aim of the course is to prefigure an educational design of salutogenesis, in terms of consideration and protection of health, dignity and relationship (I-world, social and natural).


L. Cavana, R. Casadei, Pedagogia come direzione. Ricerca di senso tra dinamiche esistenziali ed esigenze professionali, Roma, Aracne, 2016.

C. Palmieri, Dentro il lavoro educativo. Pensare il metodo tra scenario professionale e cura dell'esperienza educativa, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2018.

M. G. Riva, Il lavoro pedagogico come ricerca di significato e ascolto delle emozioni, Milano, Guerini, 2006.


In addition, a text of your choice from:

S. Demozzi (a cura di), Contesti per pensare. Riflessioni su pedagogia, indagine filosofica e comunità di ricerca, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2021

Pagano G., Sabatano F., Oltre il disagio. Il lavoro educativo tra scuola, famiglia ed esperienze di comunità, Guerini, Milano, 2020

Decembrotto L. (a cura di), Adultità fragili, fine pena e percorsi inclusivi. Teorie e pratiche di reinserimento sociale, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2020

R. Milani, I paesaggi del silenzio, Mimesis, 2014

M. Dallari, S. Moriggi, Educare, bellezza, verità, Erickson, 2016

J. Krishnamurti, Educare alla vita, Milano, Mondadori, 2009.

C. Birbes (a cura di), Trame di sostenibilità. Pedagogia dell’ambiente, sviluppo umano, responsabilità sociale, PensaMultimedia, 2017

W. Kohan, Infanzia e filosofia, Morlacchi Editore, 2006

J. Dewey, Esperienza, natura, arte, Mimesis, 2015

Teaching methods

Group work activities and discussion will be encouraged,  research directions on reflexivity-expression-communication-relation will be suggested.
Learning practices through corporeity will also be experimented.

Seminar and educational excursion will be offered to enrich the learning experience, in accordance with the topics focused on.

Assessment methods

Oral exam.

The student is asked to be able to bring a thorough argumentation on the salient themes explored in class and on the content reworked within the texts. The ability to make connections and express personal reflections will be particularly appreciated, so as to overcome a preparation that is merely notional.

Teaching tools

In addition to the reference bibliography for the exam paper, articles, selected excerpts and other useful material will be used to solicit personal study, discussion and group work.

Office hours

See the website of Rita Casadei


Good health and well-being Quality education Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.