20735 - General Clinical and Paediatric Nursing Sciences (BO)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Midwifery (cod. 9201)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module the student has the ability to apply knowledge and understanding in relation to the practice of basic nursing care in the medical-surgical area

Course contents

-The theory of needs: from Maslow to Henderson and the model of Cantarelli - Cardio-vascular need; general introduction on the cardio system, practical theoretical session on the detection of vital parameters (FC, PA, T °, FR, SaO2, nutrition and hydration) - Need for safety and security: Safety factors; falls (scales for evaluation and prevention, containment); Infections (antibiotic resistance, asepsis, care-associated infections, surveillance system and types of precautions, types of hand hygiene, PPE, sterile field and practical demonstration of how to open a sterile package and how to wear sterile gloves decontamination disinfection and sterilization, disposal of various types of waste with practical demonstrations). - Need to breathe: general introduction on the respiratory system, FR in the various age groups, dyspnoea, type of breathing (Cheyne-Stokes, Biot, Kussmaul), cyanosis, interventions to treat dyspnea and prevent it, aerosol therapy, oxygen therapy (practical session on the use of the various types of masks for O2tp). - Need for therapeutic and diagnostic procedures: the prescription of the therapy by analyzing the management modality of the therapy card; the administration of drugs (pharmaceutical forms, responsibilities, routes of administration, preparation of the material); drug storage (legislation, sample drugs, patient's personal drugs, narcotic drugs); the supply of medicines in hospitals and the management of pharmaceutical closets in the ward; transfusion therapy. Practical session on the use of needles (gauges and their functions), syringes (various types) types of infusions (glass, plastic or soft bag), type of defluxers and their insertion into the various bags, three ways, suction of fluids from the drip. Know and manage nursing documentation (nursing card and therapy card). Pre and post operative assistance. - Need for movement: planning of the postural changes of the person enticed and the correct use of the aids and techniques for the mobilization of the patient. - Need for urinary and intestinal elimination: bladder catheterization, techniques to promote intestinal elimination.


Fondamenti Di Assistenza Infermieristica - Concetti E Abilità Cliniche Di Base | Barbara K. Timby | McGraw-Hill

material provided by the teacher in class

Teaching methods

Lectures, laboratory activities, group work, illustration of principals and recording tools.

Assessment methods

Oral and practical exam.

Teaching tools

Mannequins and material for practical simulation.

Office hours

See the website of Matteo Bartolomei


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.