30549 - Veterinary Legal Medicine, Veterinary Legislation and Animal Protection

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Angelo Peli
  • Credits: 4
  • SSD: VET/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Aquaculture and Fish Production Hygiene (cod. 8834)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student acquires knowledge on European and national veterinary legislation as well on regulations on animal welfare and health

Course contents

The Integrated Course (CI) aims to provide students with an overview of farming systems in Aquaculture, in the light of the most advanced technologies and standards, taking into account the impact of these systems on the environment and, conversely, the influence of the environment on food health and safety.

This approach is inserted within the scope of the current legislation, trying to stimulate the student’s ability to identify and critically analyze the legislative evolution of the European Union, national and regional sectors.

The CI will use as tools to achieve these objectives also design thinking activities, which students will have to carry out in the classroom with the support of the teachers.


Fundamental legal knowledge

Introduction to the law: the historical evolution of the law in Europe; the concepts of common law and civil law; characteristics of the Italian legal order; notion of legal fact, legal relation, specific law, legal order.

The State and the Constitution

The law-making power: national sources of the law; the legislative procedure; the abrogation of a law; the sources of legal cognition; general notions on the Italian Constitution

The administrative power and the administrative proceedings: the administrative authorities; the organization and the role of the National Health Service

The judicial power

Introduction on the European Community law and on the functioning of the European Union

Historical basis and history of the European integration; the structure of the European Union; the european institutions and their functions; the decision procedures and the adoption of the Community laws; the sources of the European Union law; the sources of European law cognition; the relation between European law and Member States legal order; the structure of a legal act.


Concept of notifiable disease: notifiable infectious diseases in Italy and in the EU; notifiable fish diseases; european horizontal and vertical legislation; measures taken after notification; the difference between national notification and notification within the Community (Regolamento di Polizia Veterinaria-D.P.R. 320/54, artt.1-16; Dir 92/119/EEC; Dir 82/894/EEC).

National and Community Law on animal health requirementsfor aquaculture animals and products, and on the prevention andcontrol of certain diseases in aquatic animals (Dir 2006/88/EC, Dir 2008/53/EC; Reg 429/2016). 

General notions on the EU law on food safety: the general principles and requirements of food law (Reg 178/2002/EC)


Small group training on the use of paper and informatic tools for the cognition of the Community law.

Training on the analysis and the interpretation of legal texts.


Compendio di Diritto dell'Unione Europea; a cura di S. Gerli, XVI edizione, Ed. giuridiche Simone, 2016

Codice breve dell'Unione europea, a cura di C.C. Gialdino, X edizione, Ed. Giuridiche Simone, 2017

G. Peccolo, “Nozioni Giuridiche fondamentali”, CLEUP, Padova, 1° ed, 2010

G. Peccolo, Diritto della protezione e produzione animale Ed Cleup, 2016 (ISBN 9788867877096)

AA vari “ La sicurezza alimentare”, Quaderni di sanità Pubblica. Maggioli editore, 2015

AA vari "Etica e Allevamento Animale" (a cura di G. Bertoni), Ed Franco Angeli, 2016

P. Benazzi "Il Regolamento di Polizia Veterinaria" (a cura di c. Benazzi e G. Martini), ed Esculapio, 2019

Teaching methods

Traditional frontal teaching,

Practical works, use of electronic tool for data base consultation

Assessment methods

The assessment is made by means of an oral examination at the end of the course according to a scheduled timetable and by booking with Alma Esami; the examination includes at least two questions, one on the general part and one on the special part of the programme; the examination is failed if the student does not answer both questions sufficiently.

La valutazione è espressa con una votazione in trentesimi per gli esami. La prova è superata con una votazione di almeno 18/30. In caso di votazione massima (30/30) può essere attribuita la lode.

The assessment is based on the following criteria
- setting out the general outline of the subject only with the help of the teacher using approximate language max. 21/30
- outline the topic in general terms without the help of the teacher using moderately correct language max up to 25/30
- set out the general outline of the topic and know how to develop it independently using correct language max up to 28/30
- set out the general outline of the topic and develop it independently using fully correct language and the ability to link concepts max up to 30/30 with distinction

Teaching tools

Data base, PC, draft of lessons.

Juridical data bases,

Institutional websites of international (OIE, WTO), european (EU) national and regional web sites.

The Eu site web: http://europa.eu.int/


Office hours

See the website of Angelo Peli


Zero hunger Good health and well-being Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.