10460 - Photography History and Technique

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Massimo Sordi
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: L-ART/06
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 0881)

Learning outcomes

This course aims to provide the tools to stimulate a more careful and sensitive reading of the landscape around us, through an analysis of the theoretical and practical aspects of photography. Photography is a method to look and to discover new possibilities of perception and an instrument of territorial investigation and "search on places".

Course contents

The course of History and Technique of Photography intends to deepen the theoretical and practical aspects of Photography, through the study of photographers, cultural movements and relationships with other expressive languages. In particular, we will focus on the theme of the landscape, with a path from the first pictorial representations to contemporary contemporary photography themes in photography. The figure of Luigi Ghirri, one of the most talented Italian photographers on photographic reflection on the landscape, will be approached through a practical / photographic exercise required for each student


GUIDO GUIDI, Lezioni di fotografia.La figura dell’orante, Edizioni Il Bradipo, Ravenna 2012

ZANNIER Italo, Architettura e fotografia, Gius. Laterza & Figli S.p.a., Bari, 1991

ZANNIER Italo, Storia e tecnica della fotografia, Laterza, Bari, 1982

COSTANTINI P., CHIARAMONTE G. (a cura di), Luigi Ghirri. Niente di antico sotto il sole, SEI, Torino, 1997

ADAMS Robert, La bellezza in fotografia, Bollati Boringhieri Editore s.r.l., Torino, 1995

ADAMS Robert, lungo i fiumi, Itacalibri/Utreya, 2008

SHORE Stephen, Lezioni di fotografia, Phaidon, 2009

SCHWARZ Heinrich, Arte e Fotografia, Bollati Boringhieri editore s.r.l., Torino, 1992

SZARKOWSKI John, L'occhio della fotografia, Five continents Edition, 2007

PARR Martin - BADGER Gerry - Photobook: a history, Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol. 3, Phaidon

VALTORTA Roberta, il pensiero dei fotografi, Bruno Mondatori Editore, Milano, 2008

PELIZZARI Maria Antonella (a cura di), Documenti e Finzioni, Agorà ed., Torino, 2006

Teaching methods

Slides and films will be seen during lessons; Visits to important photographic exhibitions will be organized.
During the year, the single student will make a research on the theme of the landscape and the city. Two kinds of research will be possible:
(A) a photographic campaign;
(B) an iconographic research.

Assessment methods

The final exam will consist of a discussion of the exercise produced during the year and the themes developed during the lessons.

The final exam will consist of a discussion on the exercise produced during the year and the themes developed during the lessons.
The verification of the learning of the topics dealt with during the course, the evaluation of the exercises assigned, the verification of the knowledge of the theories, the movements, the authors treated and the presentation of the sequences already discussed during the seminars and presented as a book. For the exam they will be presented: a leporello containing a sequence of at least 20 pages and a book containing the studied and detailed references for the individual project.

The final mark will be awarded taking into consideration the assigned exercise and the discussion on the theoretical texts and the topics discussed treated in the lectures. Each criterion reported will be assigned from 0 to 6 points.

- photographic book narrative consistency
- photo book composition
- autonomy in the organization of photographic sequences
- discussion of the topics treated in the lectures
- display capacity of the theoretical texts assigned

Teaching tools

All the materials used during lessons, texts, images, videos, presentations will be provided to the students electronically, and also original books will be made available to authors as well as original photographic images.

School equipment as analogue and digital cameras, can be used by students accompanied by the teacher.

Office hours

See the website of Massimo Sordi