96986 - Applied Ethology and Precision Livestock Farming

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Animal Production (cod. 8882)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will reach a good level of knowledge of the main behaviors, physiology and pathological symptoms in production animals (ruminants, small ruminants, horses, and pigs). The student will be able to apply this knowledge to obtain an in-depth understanding of the monitoring system named precision livestock system (LPF) applied to the direct management of animals both from the point of reproductive and food production. In particular, the student is able to: - understand the principles on which LPF is based, be able to understand critically, interpreting the data generated by the various monitoring systems on the market, and propose solutions to the farmer in case of warnings for the health and welfare of animals reported by the monitoring system.

Course contents

Introduction to behavior and its evaluation. Feeding, sexual, maternal, locomotor behavior in ruminants, small ruminants, horses, and pigs. Main changes in behavior and clinical symptoms caused by the main technopathies affecting production animals. Introduction to real time monitoring systems available on the market. Problem solving learning with cases in which there are warning signals from the monitoring system


materials in posted on Virtuale

Teaching methods

active laerning techniques

Assessment methods

multiple choice test (mid term exam) (30%)

Writing a literature review entitled "Pros and cons of smarth tecnologies for monitoring behaviour and welfare of …….. (pick a species) (word limit 5000 including references

Teaching tools

pc, PPT, practical classes on different farms

Office hours

See the website of Barbara Padalino