90099 - History and Success of Classical Mythology

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Eleonora Cavallini
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-FIL-LET/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Cultural Heritage (cod. 9076)

Learning outcomes

The studente acquires the tools for the analysis and interpretation of Classical Mythology, both in its synchronic (structure) and diachronic (history) aspects. The recurrence of themes tied to the classical mythologic narrative is also identified in some cultural contexts that are subsequent to the original one. This process includes the discovery of echoes of classical mythology in modern and contemporary culture

Course contents

The course developes on two fronts: on one side, an analysis of forms and development of Greek Mythology from the origins to the late expressions. On the other side, a research about the presence of Greek Myth in Medieval, Modern, and Contemporary Culture, with the relative loss (Ritual and cults of the origins) and acquisitions (psychology, sociology, human sciences).


The knowledge of one text (two texts for not attending students) among the following ones is required: J. G. Frazer, Il ramo d'oro , trad. it., Roma (Newton & Compton) 1992; P. Philippson, Origini e forme del mito greco , trad. it., Torino (Boringhieri) 1983; M. Untersteiner,Fisiologia del mito , Milano (Bocca) 1946 (rist. Torino [Boringhieri] 1991); C. Pavese, Dialoghi con Leucò , Torino (Einaudi) 1947; K. Kerényi, Dioniso. Archetipo della vita indistruttibile , trad. it., Milano (Adelphi) 1992; R. B. Onians, Le origini del pemsiero europeo, trad. it., Milano (Adelphi) 1998; W. Burkert, Mito e rituale in Grecia , trad. it., Roma-Bari (Laterza) 1991; Claude Calame, Mito e storia nell'Antichità greca , trad. it., Bari (Dedalo) 1999; AA.VV., Omero Mediatico. Aspetti della ricezione omerica nella civiltà contemporanea , a cura di Eleonora Cavallini, Bologna (Dupress) 2010; Giulio Guidorizzi, Ai confini dell'anima. I Greci e la follia , Milano (Cortina Editore) 2010; Carmine Catenacci, Il tiranno e l'eroe . Storia e mito nella Grecia antica, Roma, Collana Lingue e Letterature Carocci , 2012; La Musa nascosta: mito e letteratura greca nell'opera di Cesare Pavese , a cura di E. Cavallini, Bologna (Dupress) 2014.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons, with possible links to documentaries or to lessons held by other teachers.

Assessment methods

Oral examinations, with possible results of seminar research.

Degrees equal to 30-30L imply not only a high ability in critical analysis, but also an excellent mastering of the specifical terminology.

Degrees equal or over 27 imply an accurate and deep knowledge of the subjects treated.

Degrees under 27 imply an adequate knowledge of the subject, and a sufficient ability of expression. 

Teaching tools

Frontal lessons, seminarial work, online lessons

Office hours

See the website of Eleonora Cavallini