90094 - History of the Iranian Peoples

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Cultural Heritage (cod. 9076)

Learning outcomes

Object of this course is the history of the Iranian peoples belonging both to Inner and Outer Iran. The period considered is from the I millennium BC. We will start from the Achaemenid Iran and we will examine the difficult relations with the Greek world, the Romans and Byzantium in the West and the relations with Central Asia, India and China to the East. We will consider the strong differences between Inner and Outer Iran (examining in particular Persians, Scythians, Sarmatians and Alans) and the different problems that must be faced in the study of these two macro-areas. The lessons will propose a continuous focus on the different pertinent sources. At the end of the course the student will acquire general skills on the Iranian world, its characteristics, peculiarities and traditions through the centuries. Furthermore, every year the history of a particular Iranian population will be studied.

Course contents

Inner and Outer Iran. Achaemenids, Parthians, Sassanids and the nomadic peoples of outer Iran. Cyrus and the campaign against the Massagetae. Darius’ expedition aginst the Scythians in Greek and Old Persian sources. The Scythians in Europe and Asia. The Alans between Persia and Byzantium. The Alans in Western Europe: Nart epos and the Arthurian cycle. The Ossetians.


J. Wiesehöfer, La Persia antica. Bologna, 2003: Il Mulino. Universale Paperbacks, 436.

G. Dumézil, Il libro degli eroi. Milano, 1996: Adelphi.

Erodoto, Le storie. Libro IV: La Scizia e la Libia. A cura di A. Corcella e S. M. Medaglia. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori editore. Fondazione Lorenzo Valla. Scrittori greci e latini.

P. Ognibene, “Sguardi incrociati greco-scitici”. Electrum. 24: Looking East. Iranian History and Culture under Western Eyes. Kraków 2018, pp. 11-19.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons using textual material for students.

Assessment methods

Oral exam with registration through AlmaEsami. During the exam the basic knowledge related to the program will be verified; the ability to understand and explain the main problems faced during the lessons will be assessed with discussion and comment on the sources; particular attention will also be paid to the historical development of the discipline.

Solid vision of the subjects presented in the class, knowledge of the related arguments with precision in the terminology, ability in the critical reference to the different aspects of the discipline = highest votes.

Mnenomic knowledge with a correct language but not always consistent and critically argumented = discrete valutation.

Weak preparation, unfitting language, mistakes, incompetence in the bibliographical items, uncritical references = insufficient

Teaching tools

manuals, videos.

Office hours

See the website of Paolo Ognibene