00056 - Astrophysics

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Physics (cod. 9244)

Learning outcomes

The aim is to obtain a general understanding of most important astrophysical topics in the galactic and extragalactic fields. The student will be able to understand and discuss general observational properties of stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies. An introduction on the modern cosmology will be also given.

Course contents

Astronomical quantities (parallax, parsec, magnitudo....); observational properties of stars and star clusters; star formation and evolution; supernovae and pulsar; 21 cm line; rotation curves of spiral galaxies; dark matter in spiral, elliptical galaxies; the interstellar medium; non thermal radiation, the Active Galactic Nuclei; unified models; Hubble constant; introduction to cosmology


Karttunen, Kroleg, Oja, Poutanen, Donner, 'Fundamental Astronomy', V ed. Springer ed.

B.W.Carrol & D.A. Ostlie. 'An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics'. II ed. Cambridge Univ. Press.

'Review' papers from astrophysical journals will be suggested.

Slides presented during the course, will be given to students.

For further information:

Smith: observational astrophysics;

Bohm-Vitense: introduction to stellar astrophysics & stellar structure and evolution;

Carrol and Ostlie: introduction to astrophysics;

Castellani: astrofisica stellare.

A. Ferrari: Stelle galassie e Universo - Fondamenti di astrofisica, Springer ed.




Teaching methods

Oral Lessons (on line lessons if necessary, due to Coronavirus)

Assessment methods

The knowledge check will be carried out through an oral test. The oral exam will consist of two parts:

- presentation of a topic chosen by the student

-2/3 questions that will focus on other topics presented during the course.

In the first part the student's ability to explain a known topic will be mainly evaluated, while in the second part it will be evaluated if the student has acquired a general vision of the main astrophysical issues, both in the stellar and extra-galactic fields.


Teaching tools

power point projecting and blackboard

Office hours

See the website of Francesca Pozzi