84930 - Research Methods and Tools for the Elaboration of the Final Dissertation (Library-based, Practical-professional or Experimental)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Pharmacy (cod. 9219)

Learning outcomes

The student begins the preparation of the thesis choosing one of the types listed in the academic regulations, under the guidance of a supervisor

Course contents

84930 - Research Methods and Tools for the Elaboration of the Final Dissertation (Library-based, Practical-professional) - 12 cfu

In the case non-research dissertations (library-based), the candidate, once madecontact with the supervisor, and identified a first part of the scientific literature to be consulted for the preparation of the thesis, studies and analyzes scientific publications.
In the case of practical and professional dissertations, the candidate, once made contact with the supervisor, locate the company or public body to turn to, for the completion of formalities 'bureaucratic and the beginning of the activities' thesis .


Material provided by the thesis supervisor.

Assessment methods

The verification is performed by means of a written composition having as object the contents of the thesis and the laboratory experience acquired. The positive test gives a suitability. The document, max 2 pages, must be signed by the thesis supervisor. The positive passing of the test gives rise to a suitability. The form can be downloaded from Insegnamenti on line page at the following link:

Teaching resources on Virtuale [https://virtuale.unibo.it/course/view.php?id=34398]

Teaching tools

Databases for research of scientific publications, research and professional practice or experimental in the area of the chosen dissertation

Office hours

See the website of Gabriele Campana