31049 - Architectural Composition t

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Moduli: Massimiliano Cantalupo (Modulo 1) Massimiliano Cantalupo (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Building Engineering (cod. 9199)

Learning outcomes

The course provides the essential bases for the design of the constituent elements of a building organism; it also examines the main architectural languages consolidated in the last decades, highlighting their compositional rules.

Course contents

The course aims to develop some reflections on the logical process that presides over the architectural project. This cognitive process necessarily passes from the study of the most significant works in the history of the discipline, and especially, of the single-family house.

The single-family house is therefore assumed as the privileged field of study through which to approach the understanding and knowledge of the elements and rules of architectural composition that allow to give shape to the work of architecture: lot, fence, basement, roof, window , porch, garden, pergola, classroom; but also more abstract notions such as measure, form, character, architectural type, ornament; the distribution and construction aspects.

The theme of the "house" also assumes a privileged role in accounting for the relationship between architecture and conditions, behaviors, lifestyles of man and citizen, understood as an individual who belongs to a specific socio-cultural context, historically determined.

The student who accesses this course knows and knows how to use the basic notions and the most common two and three-dimensional drawing software. This knowledge is usually acquired by passing the T-1 Building Design exam. In addition, he masters the basic knowledge of the Chemistry and Technology of Materials, knowing how to frame the development of architecture in a historical-critical context, according to the knowledge and disciplinary contents of the History of Architecture T.

The course is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part.

The theoretical part consists of a series of lessons on the distributive characteristics of buildings and, more generally, on issues and notions useful for the study of architectural works, such as architectural type, shape, structure, character, ornament and decoration. In the lessons, the logical principles of architectural composition will be investigated through the study and taking the example of projects that are particularly significant for the architectural discipline, with particular attention to the relationship between practice and theory and to the theme of housing in the work of some masters of 'modern architecture.

The practical part concerns the development of a project for a single-family house to be placed in a real place by a working group consisting of three students. The places in which to place the projects will be indicated by the Teacher, as well as the functional program to be followed in the project of the house. Specifically, the exercise will be divided into 2 phases:

  1. verification of the proportions between the volumes of the building and the appropriateness of the dimensions of the rooms in relation to the programmatic needs and distribution adequacy;
  2. production by the individual groups of students of the canonical drawings (general plan, volumetric plan, plans, sections, elevations, axonometries and perspective views).

The theoretical lessons in the classroom will therefore be accompanied by periodic reviews of the work of the individual projects and some collective seminars on the progress of the work. At the end of the course, a seminar will take place to discuss and comment on the design projects, followed by the exam to be held on the dates provided for by the Teaching.


Adolf Loos, Parole nel vuoto, I ed. or. 1921, Sonia Gessner (traduzione); Adelphi ed., Milano, 1972.

Benevolo Leonardo, Storia dell'architettura moderna; Laterza ed., Roma – Bari, 1985 - 2010.

Colin Rowe, La matematica della villa ideale, I ed. or. 1976, Paolo Berdini (a cura di); Zanichelli ed., Bologna, 1990.

Le Corbusier, Verso una Architettura, I ed. or. 1923, Pierluigi Cerri, Pierluigi Nicolin (a cura di); Longanesi ed., Milano, 2003.

Tessenow Heinrich, Osservazioni elementari sul costruire, Giorgio Grassi (a cura di); Franco Angeli ed., Milano, 2005.

Carlos Martí Arís, Silenzi eloquenti. Borges, Mies van der Rohe, Ozu, Rothko, Oteiza; Christian Marinotti ed., Milano, 2007.

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Gli scritti e le parole, Vittorio Pizzigoni (a cura di); Einaudi ed., Torino, 2010.

In addition to the basic reference texts, a basic and in-depth bibliography will be made available to the student, presented from time to time at the end of the theoretical lessons, on the topics covered in the classroom.

Teaching methods

The course consists of two main parts, one theoretical and one practical. The theoretical one, carried out with classroom lectures, has the task of initiating the student in the study of theoretical compositional issues, through the knowledge of the thought of some masters of architecture. The practical part, through punctual revisions on the subject of exercise, is aimed at the acquisition of composition and design techniques.

The course is based on three distinct time phases, dedicated respectively to knowledge:

  1. of the geometric-spatial and compositional criteria of residential and non-residential building structures, in elementary and complex aggregations; basic theoretical notions of the typology of urban settlements, architecture and construction of housing systems;
  2. the historical-urban form according to the most common general organizational principles (axial, additive, knitted, courtyard, block) in the context of their layout and use;
  3. of the application of the principles referred to in points 1. and 2. in a simple analytical-compositional and distributive-functional exercise, identified in a peri-urban residential area in the Emilia-Romagna area.

The course is divided into two main teaching methods:

  1. lectures on the themes of architectural and urban composition (on a weekly basis);
  2. laboratory activity, with application and development of simple design exercises in a defined territorial, urban and building context (on a weekly basis).

The lessons also aim to frame the basic notions of architectural composition in the geometric-spatial, functional and technical-cultural context of the design disciplines. They are developed, throughout the didactic path, in order to provide the Student / or Engineer with the critical, formal and technical tools necessary for the conduct of a simple residential building project, carried out in a defined urban environment. The contents of the exercise are constantly referred to the local, regional and national urban planning instruments and to the technical / legal regulations in force, which govern the building sector as a whole.

Assessment methods

Verification of learning takes place through:

  1. weekly homework, with the development of disciplinary themes, assigned by the Teacher;
  2. n. 1 coordination seminar, based on the development of the design exercise, with the participation of invited professors and specialists who, in the examination committee, ascertain the acquisition of the knowledge and skills expected by carrying out a final oral exam.

The final exam consists of:

  1. a review of the graphic and written documents of the design exercise, in which the examiners inform the student / or on the correction criteria, receive any clarifications from the student / or and decide whether to change the judgment;
  2. an oral study, with the teacher, aimed at ascertaining the assimilation of the theoretical and technical-legislative contents of the lessons, subject of application in the exercise.

Students for the final exam, which consists in the drafting of a single-family residence project, will have to present the graphical drawings progressively drawn up during the course, i.e. general plan, volumetric plan of the intervention area, plans, sections, elevations, axonometries and perspective views. All the papers will be drawn up in scale, appropriately agreed with the Teacher.

The final exam and verification of the understanding of the course contents, or the learning of design techniques, will take place through the evaluation of the presentation of the project documents and the verification of knowledge of the theoretical issues discussed in class.

Passing the exam will be guaranteed to students who demonstrate mastery and operational ability in relation to the key concepts illustrated in the teaching, and in particular to the theoretical, formal, distributive and functional contents of the architectural composition.

A higher score will be awarded to students who demonstrate that they have understood and are able to use all the teaching contents, illustrating them with language skills, solving even complex compositional problems, showing good technical and operational skills.

Failure to pass the exam may be due to insufficient knowledge of key concepts, lack of mastery of technical language, lack of or insufficient operational capacity.

Teaching tools

The teaching material presented in class will be made available in electronic format through the digital platform available to students of the Degree Course. Username and password are reserved for students enrolled at the University of Bologna.

Office hours

See the website of Massimiliano Cantalupo