81589 - Theories and Techniques of Dramatic Composition (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2021/2022

Course contents


Title of the course

Society, writing, performance in compositional dynamics from the early twentieth century to Pier Paolo Pasolini.


The course Teorie e tecniche della composizione drammatica is divided into two modules of 6 credits each. The course starts on 20 septembre 2021 with the Module 1 Teorie della composizione drammatica (6 credits), at the end of which starts the Module 2 Tecniche della composizione drammatica(6 credits). The total amount of hours is 30 per module.

The Module 1 of the course will provide in-depth knowledge and practical applications on different compositional dynamics from the advent of directing to today.

In particular, the course will examine the synergies between author and ensemble, Stanislavskij’s directing books, Brecht’s "stage writing", the new epic dramaturgy, the avant-garde compositional processes and the theatrical experience of Pier Paolo Pasolini, with particular reference to intergenerational relations and social conflicts within its tragedies. Dramatic texts, "stage writing" documents and visual documentation will be analyzed for each topic. The course provides a reinterpretation of the main trends of the sixties and seventies through the polemic, theoretical and dramatic writings of Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Start of lessons of the first Module: Monday, September 20, 2021.

End of lessons of the first Module: Wednesday, October 27, 2021.

Lesson schedule. First Module
Monday, 11-13, Aula Cruciani, Via Barberia 4.
Tuesday 11-13, Aula Cruciani, Via Barberia 4.
Wednesday 11-13. Aula Cruciani, Via Barberia 4.


1 - Dispensa di teoria e tecnica della composizione drammatica, edited by Prof. Gerardo Guccini, with the collaboration of Dr. Nicoletta Lupia (this text is included among the corse's networked materials)

2- Stefano Casi, Angela Felice, Gerardo Guccini (edited by), Pasolini e il teatro, Venice, Marsilio, 2012 (pp. 3-240 only)

3-Stefano Casi, I teatri di Pasolini, (Milano, Ubulibri, 2005, or CUE Press also available in ebook format), only pp. 18-181.

4- the following three dramatic texts by Pier Paolo Pasolini: Pilade, Calderon, Orgia.

The course of Techniques of dramatic composition does not foresee differences in program between attending and non-attending

Teaching methods

Due to the restrictions imposed by the current health emergency, teaching is carried out in blended learning mode: lessons are held in the presence, with streaming through the TEAMS platform.
The Module 1 is organized in frontal lessons, with analysis and deepening about dramatics texts, concepts treated and audio-visual documents.
Module 2 provides for the meeting with professionals, the critical reading of the texts and the realization of writing exercises starting from the paths and creative principles derived from the study of the works.

Assessment methods

Oral examen. The achievement of an organic vision of the issues addressed, the possession of an expressive mastery and a specific language, the originality of the reflection as well as the familiarity with the instruments of analysis of the dramaturgy will be evaluated with marks of excellence. The mostly mechanical or mnemonic knowledge of the subject, a capacity for uncoordinated synthesis and analysis or a correct but not always appropriate language, as well as a scholastic domain of dramaturgy will lead to discrete evaluations. Formal gaps or inappropriate language, as well as a lack of knowledge of the instruments of drama will lead to votes that will stand on the threshold of sufficiency. Formal gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the bibliography and inability to analyze dramaturgy can only be negatively assessed.

Teaching tools

Frontal lessons supported by formative meetings and seminars.

Office hours

See the website of Gerardo Guccini