39172 - Professional Laboratory (IM)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Roberta Senatore
  • Credits: 3
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Roberta Senatore (Modulo 1) Francesca Ballardini (Modulo 2) Mascia Martignani (Modulo 3)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Physiotherapy (cod. 8476)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will have a wide range of knowledge in orthopedics-traumatology, rheumatology and neurology at different stages of life, which allowed him to develop skills relevant and independent troubleshooting demonstrating the ability to continuously seek opportunities teach.

Course contents

The laboratory consists of 3 modules, of 20 hours each.
Module 1: laboratory in orthopedics-traumtologico - teacher Roberta Senatore
Module 2: laboratory in neurological - teacher Ilaria Decio
Module 3: laboratory pediatric - professor Giorgia Errani
The program of each module is as follows:
Clinical reasoning
Illustration of clinical cases (practical demonstration of the evaluation, identification of the main problem, treatment goals and physiotherapy) through movies or classroom presentation of a person with orthopedic pathology - trauma and neurological.
Practice or simulated in small groups on a case study: each group will be assigned or a person with an outcome of disease and neurological or orthopedic-trauma clinical documentation of a person with orthopedic and neurological pathology The group will assess, identify the main problem , treatment goals and carry out the treatment or to the person entrusted on a fake person.


- S. Brent Brotzman,Robert C. - Orthopedic rehabilitation- MASSON

- Malanga, Mautner -  Physical Examination: An Evidence-Based Approach, Second Edition - Elsevier

- I.A. Kapandji - Joint physiology 

- Villeneuve - balance and posture. Current in posturology of the foot - Marrapese 

- Fabio Moro - Non -linear podology, introduction - Marrapese

Teaching methods

frontal lectures and practical exercises

Assessment methods

The verification of learning takes place through a practical test lasting 15/20 minutes, which aims to verify the acquisition of knowledge and the critical judgment capacity gained by students.

If the student successfully passes the test, he will be given an eligibility.

Training gaps or inappropriate language cannot help but consider the test negative.

Teaching tools

pc and projector

Office hours

See the website of Roberta Senatore

See the website of Francesca Ballardini

See the website of Mascia Martignani