39151 - Massage and Physical Therapy (IM)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Physiotherapy (cod. 8476)

Learning outcomes

At the end of this module, students will have acquired knowledge and ability to understand the principles applied to physical therapy and manual massage,through a precise knowledge of therapeutic indications and contraindications.

Course contents


  1. Manual massage:

Neurophysiological principles and mechanical effects of action, indications, contraindications, massage movements, graze, rubbing, kneading, friction, percussions, vibrations, draining.

Application of the massage movements in segmental and global body districts.




Superficial thermotherapy

Infrared rays and paraffin therapy

Deep thermotherapy

Shortwave Diathermy, Microwave Diathermy, Ultrasound therapy



Direct currents, iontophoresis, variable currents, unidirectional currents, alternating currents

Excitomotor action of variable currents

Knowledge of Motor points and Cronassial Concept

Electrostimulation of the innervated and denervated muscles

Electrostimulation on the mucles with Polio and the dystrophic muscles

Analgesic action of variable currents

T.E.N.S. (transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) and Diadynamic currents.


Laser Therapy

Fes (Functional Electro Stimulation)


B.Gianella, G. D’alessandro, R.Santoro; “Terapia fisica pratica”; Marrapese Editore, Roma 2000

A. Zati, A.Valent; "Terapia Fisica, Nuove tecnologie in Medicina Riabilitativa" II edizione; Minerva Editore, Torino 2017

Mario- Paul Cassar; "Manuale di Massoterapia, una guida completa per lo studente e il massoterapista professionista"; Antonio Delfino Editore.

Teaching methods

Both theoretical, practical and online lessons with Teams platform.

Assessment methods

The method of verifying the learning will take place through a written test, consisting of open questions in which the candidate will have the opportunity to present in an articulated way what has been learned during the lessons, and a practice for verifying the learning of manual skills.

The final mark is determined by a mathematical average of the two tests.

Teaching tools

The lessons will be supported by slides and practical exercises

Office hours

See the website of Maria Emanuela Ottaviani