78005 - History of Psychology (1) (C2)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Philosophy (cod. 9216)

    Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Philosophy (cod. 9216)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to prepare students to critically read and contextualize both texts and sources belonging to different scientific domains. Students will also learn how to use the acquired historical knowledge in order to theoretically analyze several recurring problems and themes. At the end of the course, they will have the skill to express a well-founded opinion, both thinking about all of the notions acquired and discussing them with other students.

Course contents

A historical-critical profile of the fundamental perspectives of psychological research

The course aims to present a basic historical-critical framework of the main theoretical, methodological and research perspectives, which have alternated and diversified in the scientific investigation of philosophical and psychological issues concerning the concepts of mind and behavior. human.


Preparation for the exam requires the study of the following texts:
1. For the general part, a manual of the History of Psychology:
P. Legrenzi, History of psychology, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019.

As an alternative to the previous text, the student can choose one of the following manuals:

R. Luccio, Psychology: a historical profile, Bari, Laterza, 2011.
L. Mecacci, History of psychology. From the twentieth century to today, Bari, Laterza. 2019.
C. Morabito, Introduction to the history of psychology, Bari, Laterza, 2011.
R. Thomson, History of Psychology, Turin, Bollati Boringhieri, 2013
R. Smith, History of Psychology (1997), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004.

2. For the monographic part, the reference text for the study of humanistic psychology and storytelling:

R. Vignati, The look on the person. Psychology of human relations, Padova, LibreriaUniversitaria, 2019 (third ed.).

For non-attending students, the study of one of the following texts is required:
For non-attending students, in addition to the two compulsory texts (one of History of Psychology and the other of Vignati, The look on the person), the study of a text chosen from among the following is foreseen:

R. May, Psicologia esistenziale (1969), Milano, Astrolabio, 1970.

C. Rogers, Un modo di essere (1980), Firenze, Giunti, 2012.

H. Kirschenbaum, V. L. Henderson (1989), Dialoghi di Carl Rogers, Bari, la meridiana, 2008.

L. De Marchi, Lo shock primario, Roma, Rai-ERI, 2002.

L. De Marchi, Conversazioni Esistenziali per una Psicologia Esistenziale Umanistica, Roma, Alpes, 2015.

J. P. Sartre, L’esistenzialismo è un umanismo (1996), Milano, Mursia, 2016.

A. Camus, Il mito di Sisifo (1942), Milano, Bompiani, 2015.

S. Freud, Il disagio nella civiltà, Torino, Einaudi, 2020

L. Binswanger, Il caso Ellen West, Torino, Einaudi, 2011.

L. Binswanger, Sogno ed esistenza, Torino, SE, 1993.

R. Laing, L’io diviso. Studio di psichiatria esistenziale (1974), Torino, Einaudi, 2010.

R. Laing, A. Esterson, Conversando con i miei bambini (1978), Torino, Einaudi, 2000.

Basaglia F. L’utopia della realtà, Torino, Einaudi, 2005

Basaglia F. L’istituzione negata, Milano, Baldini+Castoldi, 2018

Valeria P. Babini, Liberi tutti. Manicomi e psichiatri in Italia: una storia del Novecento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009.

Gaino A. Il manicomio dei bambini. Storie di istituzionalizzazione, Torino, ed. GruppoAbele, 2017.

Teaching methods

The frontal lesson will follow an interactive method, which encourages students to participate directly, as well as thoughtful, to actively involve themselves in exposing, reading the texts and interpreting the topics covered. During the lessons, audiovisuals will be used to facilitate reflection and debate on the issues examined.

Assessment methods

The frontal lesson will follow an interactive method,

Teaching tools


Office hours

See the website of Renato Vignati


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