33980 - Plant General Services M

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Emilio Ferrari
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: ING-IND/17
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Mechanical Engineering (cod. 0938)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Engineering Management (cod. 0936)

Learning outcomes

Module 1

A comprehensive review of the factors that influence the selection, design, specification and placement of most important and common industrial facilities.

Module 2

The course aims to introduce the students to the safety and occupational in the production systems, in reference to the Italian relevant legislation (TU n.81 del 9/4/2008, Dlgs. N.106 del 3/8/2009). The course purposes models and methods to support the risk prevention and protection.

Course contents

Requirements/Prior knowledge

No prior knowledge and understanding are required to attend with profit this course.

Fluent spoken and written Italian is a necessary pre-requisite: all lectures and tutorials, and all study material will be in Italian.

Module 1

Topics on Plant facilities will include:

Industrial piping for fluid distribution; classification of steel and plastic pipes. Illustration of the main types of valves: shut-off, control, safety, pressure reduction. Examples of diagrams for the determination of the flow rate coefficient and the choice of valves. Insulation of pipes: characteristics and types of the main heat-insulating materials. Sizing of the coating thickness in the case of "hot" and "cold" piping. Total 8 hours (2 for exercises)

Cogeneration plants with internal combustion engines. Schemes of plant equipped with various recovery exchangers (oil, water, fumes). Comparison with steam cogeneration plants in backpressure: technical - economic assessment. Cogeneration plants with gas turbine groups. Comparison with steam cogeneration plants in backpressure and with cogeneration systems with internal combustion engines. Total 10 hours

Absorption refrigeration systems: description of the operating principle and comparison with the principle of operation of compression refrigeration systems. plant and the state diagram scheme (H-c; Tc) for the description of the refrigeration plant to H2O-NH3 absorption without and with concentration tower. Total 8 hours (1 for exercises)

Systems for air conditioning. Basics on the humid air diagrams and thermodynamic characteristics of the blends: enthalpy of humid air diagram. Calculation of cooling capacity and main psychrometric transformations. Types of plant based (in whole air, in water only, mixed) and main distribution systems and launch. Sizing design of an air conditioning system: elementary contributions to calculate the heat load and sizing of the cooling and heating capacity, choice of the flow of air to be treated in the AHU (Air Handling Unit). Total 8 hours (3 for exercises)

Electrical systems. Classification electrical systems according to the voltage. Sizing of the overall power of the electrical installations in industrial field. Diagram of the transformer substation in the service of an industrial plant. Symmetrical and balanced three-phase systems for the distribution of electrical energy. Laying and calculation using cable lines. Main characteristics of the cables. Cable sizing according to IEC standards: verification of voltage drop and thermal verification. Protection by overcurrent devices (automatic circuit breakers): characteristic curves of behavior. Protection through differential switch device (application diagram and working principle). General information on the protective equipment of the electrical systems in relation to the installation environment: the IP protection. Total 12 hours (3 for exercises)

Lighting systems. Emission of radiant energy. Photometric and lighting dimensions. Reflection, absorption and transmission of light. Photometric solid and photometric indicator. Types of lighting (direct, semi-direct, etc.). Sizing design of lighting systems for interior by means of the total flow method: choice of the type of illumination and the light sources, definition and selection of the maintenance factors of use and the local index. Total 6 hours (2 for exercises)

Facilities for noise protection. Basic concepts of acoustics: sound power levels, sound pressure, sound intensity, and related reports. Noise propagation outdoors and indoors. Factor of directionality. Noise protection through sound barriers: the number of Fresnel. Sound absorption materials and structures. Acoustic correction for absorption and resonance. Current regulations for the protection of workers from risks arising from exposure to noise. Total 8 hours (3 for exercises)

Module 2

The course aim to introduce the students to the safety and occupational in the production systems, in reference to the Italian relevant legislation (TU n.81 del 9/4/2008, Dlgs. N.106 del 3/8/2009). The course purposes models and methods to support the risk prevention and protection.

Requirements/Prior knowledge

No prior knowledge and understanding are required to attend with profit this course.

Fluent spoken and written Italian is a necessary pre-requisite: all lectures and tutorials, and all study material will be in Italian.

Introduction (2 hours)

Introduction to the safety in the production systems. The safety culture: the taxonomy of the accidents; the costs of non-safety. The accidents costs and statistics. The INAIL database of accidents. Frequency index and accidents gravity. The safety pillar in World Class Manufacturing; the safety tolls: the Hinhrich pyramid, the green cross, the frequency index and the gravity index.

The safety in industrial plants (3 hours)

The five pillars of safety. The risk and the risk index. Definition of accident. Risk analysis, Risk evaluation. The risk in the industrial plants. The safety system design. Classification of safety intervention levels. Protection and prevention interventions. The cost/efficacy diagram. The protection efficacy.

Industrial plant health and safety safeguard (4 hours)

The risk prevention in Italy: the Testo Unico n.81/2008 and next integrations (Dlgs. N.106 del 3/8/2009). The structure of Testo Unico. The institutional system. The Prevention and Protection Service (SPP) and his responsible (RSPP). The workers representative for safety (RLS). The risk evaluation document (DVR). Risk reduction. The safety organization and management model (SGSL): UNI-INAIL 28/9/2001 and OHSAS 18001:07. The use of Equipment. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Safety and health signs [http://context.reverso.net/traduzione/inglese-italiano/signs] used at work.

Ergonomics and Biomechanical risk (11 hours)

The Manual Handling of Loads (MMC). The legislation (ISO11228_1-2-3). The risk evaluation methods: NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health); Snock Ciriello; OCRA (Occupational Ripetitive Action). The ergonomic design of work stations. The prevention of biomechanical risk. The force moment.

Exercises on risk evaluation methods and force moment evaluation (4 hours)

Mechanical risk (3 hours)

The Mechanical risk: Machinery Directive 2006/42/CE. The CE marking.

Fire-fighting risk (4 hours)

The legislation. The fire characteristics and classification. The fire damage. The fire prevention: the structural prevention and smoke prevention. The fire protection: passive and active protection.


Module 1

- Issues written by the teacher and published on AMS Campus and on "Insegnamenti Online" platform

- Exercises published on AMS Campus and on "Insegnamenti Online" platform

Texts for consultation:

1. G. Coli, Impianti energetici ad elevato rendimento, Ed. PEG, Milano, 1992

2. G. Coli, Impianti per il benessere e la sicurezza dell'ambiente di lavoro, Ed. PEG, Milano, 1990

3. G. Coli, Impianti per la distribuzione dell'energia elettrica negli edifici industriali e civili, Ed. PEG, Milano, 1993

4. Monte A., Elementi di impianti industriali. Ed. Libreria Cortina, Torino, 1982

5. Pareschi A., Impianti industriali. Progetto Leonardo. Bologna, 1994

6. Pierfederici O., Impianti Meccanici. Ed. Pitagora, Bologna, 1980

Module 2

Material for the study:

- Issues written by the teacher and published on AMS Campus and on "Insegnamenti Online" platform

- Exercises published on AMS Campus and on "Insegnamenti Online" platform

Texts for consultation:

- WORLD CLASS MANUFACTURING Richard J. Schonberger, The Free Press (Macmillan, Inc.), 1986

- MANUTENZIONE DEI SISTEMI DI PRODUZIONE R. Manzini, A. Regattieri, Editore Progetto Leonardo (BO), 2007, Bologna

- LA SICUREZZA DEGLI IMPIANTI INDUSTRIALI R. Rizzo, Ed. Scientifiche Italiane, 1998, Napoli

- IL NUOVO TESTO UNICO DI SICUREZZA SUL LAVORO L. Pelliccia, Maggioli Editore, 2009, Rimini

- LA NUOVA SICUREZZA SUL LAVORO P. Masciocchi, C. Leboffe, Gruppo 24 ore, 2009, Milano


- RESPONSABILE DEL SERVIZIO DI PREVENZIONE E PROTEZIONE P. Masciocchi, L. Soardo, Gruppo 24 ore, 2009, Milano.

- DVR – Guida pratica alla redazione del documento di valutazione dei rischi E. cioffarelli, pitagora editrice bologna, 2009, Bologna.

- KODAK’S ERGONOMIC DESIGN FOR PEOPLE AT WORK S. N. Chengalur, S. H. Rodgesr, T.E. Bernard, Wiley, 2004, New Jersey.

THE MEASURE OF MAN & WOMAN – HUMAN FACTORS IN DESIGN Alvin R. Tilley, Henry Dreyfuss Associates, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002.

Scientific Papers for in-deep consultation:

Botti L., Duraccio V., Gnoni M.G., Mora C. (2018) "An integrated holistic approach to health and safety in confined spaces", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industry, Volume 55, Pages 25-35. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlp.2018.05.013.

Botti, L., Mora, C., Regattieri, A. (2017) "Application of a mathematical model for ergonomics in lean manufacturing", Data In Brief, Volume 14, Pages 360-365. ISSN 23523409. DOI 10.1016/j.dib.2017.06.050.

Botti L., Mora C., Antonucci A., Carty P., Barr A., Rempel D. (2017) "Carbide-tipped bit wear patterns and productivity with concrete drilling", Wear, Volumes 386–387, Pages 58-62, ISSN 0043-1648, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2017.05.017.

Botti, L., Mora, C., Regattieri, A. (2017) "Integrating ergonomics and lean manufacturing principles in a hybrid assembly line", Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 111, 2017, Pages 481-491, ISSN 0360-8352.

Botti, L., Ferrari, E., & Mora, C. (2017). Automated entry technologies for confined space work activities: a survey. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 14(4), 271-284. doi:10.1080/15459624.2016.1250003. PubMed index 27754794.

Bortolini M., Botti L., Cascini A., Gamberi M., Mora C., Pilati F. (2015) “Unit-load storage assignment strategy for warehouses in seismic areas”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 87, pp. 481-490. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2015.05.023).

Gamberini R., Grassi A., Mora C., Rimini B. (2009) "A fuzzy multi-attribute model for risk evaluation in workplaces. Safety Science, vol. 47, pp. 707 - 716. (ISSN: 0925-7535). ELVESIER.

Botti L., Mora C., Zecchi G. (2017) "Soluzioni tecniche per l'ergonomia del lavoro e applicazioni in diversi settori produttivi: una procedura e la Banca delle Soluzioni". Rivista Ambiente e Lavoro n.52. pp. 3-37.

Mora C., Botti L. (2017) "La Banca delle Soluzioni per il lavoro negli ambienti confinati: soluzioni tecnologiche per l'eliminazione dei rischi" per gli ambienti di lavoro confinati e per il sovraccarico biomeccanico". Dossier Ambiente n.119. III Trimestre 2017. Anno XXX. pp 119-124. ISSN 1825-5396.

Mora C., Botti L. (2016) "Banca delle soluzioni: Soluzioni tecnologiche per l'eliminazione o la "riduzione del rischio" per gli ambienti di lavoro confinati e per il sovraccarico biomeccanico". Dossier Ambiente n.116. Salute Sicurezza Lavoro. IV Trimestre 2016. Anno XXIX. pp 85-96. ISSN 1825-5396.

Botti L., Mora C., Ferrari E., D’Elia V., Galli P., Migliore A., Zecchi G., Broccoli M., Capogrossi S., Balboni P. (2016) "Banca delle Soluzioni: tecniche e tecnologie per un’efficace risposta all’eliminazione e alla riduzione dei rischi negli ambienti di lavoro" (Solutions Database: technologies and techniques for an effective elimination or reduction of the risk in workplaces). Rivista Italiana di Ergonomia. Special Issue 1/2016. Ergonomia: sfide sociali e opportunità professionali dalla creatività alla pratica per aumentare l’impatto dell’ergonomia nella società. pp 35-40. ISSN 2037-3910.

Mora C., Botti L. (2016) “Ambienti di lavoro confinati e sovraccarico biomeccanico: il progetto Banca delle Soluzioni”, in Progetto Sicurezza 3-4, pp 43-49. ISSN: 1128-3386.

Botti L., Ferrari E., Galli P., Gandolfi L., Migliore A., Mora C. (2016) “Migliorare l’ergonomia nell’industria della lavorazione delle carni:Il caso di un’azienda di lavorazione del prosciutto crudo”, in Ambiente & Sicurezza sul Lavoro, January 2016, ISBN: 0393-7054.

Botti L., Mora C., Regattieri A. (2013) “I rischi delle attività manutentive negli ambienti confinati. Un processo per una loro corretta valutazione” (The risk of maintenance in confined spaces. A procedure for an effective assessment), in Manutenzione Tecnica e Management, ISSN: 1123-1084, Year XX – number 9:28-29 – September 2013.

Botti L., Mora C., Zecchi G. (2016) “Engineering controls and industrial applications for ergonomics”, in Ergonomics: Challenges, applications and new perspectives, pp. 49-110. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY (USA). ISBN: 978-1-53610-248-2.

Botti L., Mora C., Zecchi G., Baruffaldi G. (2018) "The Effect of Speed Variation on Initial and Sustained Forces During Pushing and Pulling Activities: A Preliminary Study". Advances in Manufacturing, Production Management and Process Control Chapter No: 16. Proceedings of the AHFE 2018 International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing. July 21 - 25, 2018. Orlando, FL (USA) DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-94196-7_16.

Battini D., Botti L., Mora C., Sgarbossa F. (2018) "Ergonomics and Human Factors in Waste Collection: Analysis and Suggestions for the Door-To-Door Method". Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2018), June 11-13, 2018. Bergamo (Italy).

Botti L., Mora C., Piana F., Regattieri A. (2018) “The impact of ergonomics on the design of hybrid multi-model assembly lines in manufacturing”, in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing. July 17 - 21, 2017. Los Angeles, CA (USA). Volume 606. Pages 167 - 178. ISBN 978-3-319-60473-2. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-60474-9

Botti L., Mora C., Calzavara M. (2017) "Design of job rotation schedules managing the exposure to age-related risk factors", The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2017), 9-14 July 2017. Tolouse (France).

Botti L., Mora C., Ferrari E. (2017) "A Methodology for the Identification of Confined Spaces in Industry". In: Campana G., Howlett R., Setchi R., Cimatti B. (eds) Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2017. SDM 2017. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 68. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57078-5_66

Botti L., Bragatto P. A., Duraccio V., Gnoni M. G., Mora C. (2016) “Adopting IOT technologies to control risks in confined space: a multi-criteria decision tool”. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 53, 127-132. 2283-9216. DOI: 10.3303/CET1653022. CISAP-7, Ischia, Italy.

Botti L., Duraccio V., Gnoni M. G., Mora C. (2015) "A framework for preventing and managing risks in confined spaces through IOT technologies", Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems - Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015, pp. 3209-3217. ISBN: 9781138028791. DOI: 10.1201/b19094-423

Botti L., Mora C., Regattieri A. (2015) “Improving ergonomics in the meat industry: a case study of an Italian ham processing company”, 15th IFAC Symposium onInformation Control Problems inManufacturing – INCOM 2015. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 48 (3), pp. 598-603. ISSN 2405-8963. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.147.

Botti L., Gamberi M., Manzini R., Mora C., Regattieri A. (2014) “A bi-objective optimization model for work activity scheduling of workers exposed to ergonomic risk”, Proceedings of the XIX Summer School “Francesco Turco”, September 2014, Senigallia (Ancona). Scopus index 2-s2.0-84982830395.

Bortolini M., Botti L., Cascini A., Gamberi M., Mora C. (2014) “Multi-objective assignment strategy for warehouses served by automatic storage and retrieval system”, International Conference on Industrial Logistics, ICIL 2014 - Conference Proceedings, pp. 127-134.







Teaching methods

Module 1

On the whole 60 teaching hours of frontal lessons and training corresponding to 6 ECTS. The main target is to give the student the right approach the dimensioning of facilities inside an industrial plant, according to economical evaluation and technical rules

Module 2

The course consists of 3 ECTS lectures and more practical exercises in the classroom, for a total of 30 hours, with testimonies and seminars on specific topics.

Practical exercises on Ergonomics will be carried out in teams in external companies (Ergonomic Team Project)

Assessment methods

For students enrolled in module1 and module 2 from 9 total CFU:

Students must put themselves onto the list published in Almaesani for each round.

Achievement will be assessed by the means of a final exam. This is based on an analytical assessment of the “expected learning outcomes” described above.

In order to properly assess such achievement the examination is based on a written test, lasting up to three hours including the theoretical and practical development of three arguments, two of which theoretical issues (whether the issue is one from module 1 and one from module 2) and two numeric - themed application (whether the issue is one from module 1 and one from module 2).

The rating is assigned based on the overall assessment of the whole test. The final grade is combined by the weighted grades form the single modules, according to the relative values in ECTS (6 ECTS for module 1 and 3 ECTS for module 2). The Ergonomic Team Project will be presented and evaluated with a max of 2 point that will be added to the Module 2 final grade.

Higher grades will be awarded to students who demonstrate an organic understanding of the subject, a high ability for critical application, and a clear and concise presentation of the contents, with particular attention to the use and the comprehension of technical terms, graph and diagrams related to the service plants and the safety on work.

To obtain a passing grade, students are required to at least demonstrate a knowledge of the key concepts of the subject, some ability for critical application, and a comprehensible use of technical language.

A failing grade will be awarded if student shows knowledge gaps in key-concepts of the subject, inappropriate use of language and logic failures in the analysis of the subject. Then the exam result not sufficient if at least one question is not sufficient.

Teaching tools

Issues provided by the teaching staff and provided on line on "Insegnamenti Online" platform

Seminars on specific topics of Safety (i.e. Ergonomics) and successfull case studies will be carried out during the course.

Office hours

See the website of Emilio Ferrari


Affordable and clean energy Industry, innovation and infrastructure

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.