Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: knows the methodological premise to develop the inclusive perspective and/or the integration of people with disabilities and/or those in marginality and deviance; knows the differences between deficits and handicaps, the logic of good practice, participatory planning and methodological guidelines for setting up a life project, according to the inclusive perspective; knows the main cultural and theoretical assumptions underlying the inclusive perspective, which limits the marginalizing dimensions; knows the theories of marginality and deviance; knows methodologies and educational tools to counter the phenomena of marginality and deviance; is able to use operational tools and to search for functional materiale and documentation to know the cultural context of belonging to the disabled, marginal and/or deviant person; is able to integrate its knowledge in line with regulatory changes and international guidelines on disability, marginality and deviance; knows the social and cultural structures present on the territory and is able to activate with them exchanges and collaborations; has communicative communication skills both in relation to the individua subject in education and in the relationship with groups of subjects in education; has adequate knowledge and skills to interact with difficult/disabled/marginal/deviant people with thoughtful and problematic attitudes, recognizing the risks that result from the various forms of prejudice, social conditioning and cultural stigmatization; is able to activate synergies between the various educational agencies, local EELs of the territory, other realities of the context of life of the person concerned, in order to build an interinstitutional and proximity network that supports the person in Vulnerability and contributing to the realization of the Life Project.

Course contents

The course proposes:

- To acquire theoretical paradigms, models and methodologies about the inclusive perspective

- To reflect around the definition of multifactorial and multidimensional models for taking care and care of situations, pupils / students experiencing disability, vulnerability, marginality and deviance.

Work develops from concrete experiences and from some testimonies related to the following areas:

- disability and the processes of inclusion (school and society);

- the difficulty of learning and the processes of inclusion (school and society);

- social desease and the processes of inclusion (school and society).


Basic text for all students:

1) Freire P. (2002). La pedagogia degli oppressi. Torino: EGA Editore.

2) Dainese R. (2016). Le sfide della Pedagogia Speciale e la Didattica per l'inclusione. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

One texts chosen from those indicated in the following areas (for all students):

1. Deviance and minors at risk: Sabatano F. (2011). Crescere ai margini. Educare al cambiamento nell’emergenza sociale. Roma: Carocci. Or: Sabatano F. (2015). La scelta dell'inclusione. Progettare l'educazione in contesti di disagio sociale. Milano: Guerini.

2. Disability and inclusion in school: Dainese R. (a cura di) (2019). La rete di relazioni a sostegno della Didattica per l’inclusione. Milano: FrancoAngeli.             

3. Migration, disability and inclusion in school: Caldin R. (A cura di) (2012). Alunni con disabilità, figli di migranti. Napoli: Liguori.



Teaching methods

The course develops through an active and participatory methodology.


Assessment methods

The exam consists of a one-hour written test consisting of multiple choice questions and/or open-ended questions.

The same test is also for all students.

The evaluation will take into account the following criteria:

- correctness and clarity of language;

- reference to bibliographic sources;

- the ability to connect content to personal experience.

Teaching tools

Video projector, PC, University Moodle Platform.

Office hours

See the website of Roberto Dainese


Quality education Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.