31228 - Romance Philology 1 (M-Z)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will acquire knowledge of the romance languages and literatures of the Middle Ages and their formation, with particular regard to French, Occitan, Spanish and Portuguese. The student will acquire the skills for adopting the instruments of textual criticism, in order to be aware of the transformations of texts and languages through the centuries.

Course contents

First part: aims of Philology considered as a social and historical science; origins and diffusion of romance languages and literatures

In this first part, one will apporach the history of philology, pointing out its peculiar features of a science both rigorous and eversive, and underlining the role that philology could play in the crucial debate about the contemporary world. At a later time, one will consider the different theories about the birth and development of romance languages and literatures, starting from the traditional ideas and arriving to the most recent ethnolinguistic hipothesis, which date the formation of our languages to the prehistory.

A few significative medieval texts will be read, translated and commented.

Part of the lectures will carefully regard the manuscript tradition.

Second part: Medieval myths and their modern reception

In this second part, one will analyze the complex relationship between a few Medieval myths and modernity, pointing out the evolutive strategies adopted by these literatures in order to influence the cognitive and perceptive aspects of the Western world. Among others, one will study the myths of Tristan and Isolde, the Holy Grail, the Round Table, the so called "courtly love", the epic tradition of the "chansons de geste", the historical-cultural heritage of medieval Galician troubadours and of old Spanish "cantares".



During the course texts in the original Medieval languages will be delivered and published also on "Virtuale"


F. Benozzo, Poesia, scienza e dissidenza, Bologna, Biblioteca Clueb, 2020

For the traditional theory on the origins of Romance languages:

D. Martin, Latino arcaico e lingue neolatine [online [http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/bitstream/handle/10915/14297/Documento_completo.pdf?sequence=1]

S.M. Barillari, Lineamenti sommari di linguistica romanza [online [http://yadda.icm.edu.pl/yadda/element/bwmeta1.element.desklight-e3e479b7-3153-47b6-8ac0-caf45f535e03/c/19.pdf]

For the new ethnolinguistic hypothesys:

F. Benozzo - M. Alinei, Dalla linguistica romanza alla linguistica neoitalide [online [http://www.continuitas.org/texts/alinei_benozzo_linguisticaromanza.pdf]

For the origins of Romance literatures:

F. Benozzo, Origini delle letterature d'Europa [online [http://www.continuitas.org/texts/benozzo_origini.pdf]

For the history of manuscripts:

C. Pastena, Storia dei materiali scrittori (vol. 1) [online [https://www.academia.edu/41447988/STORIA_DEI_MATERIALI_SCRITTORI_2.1._I_supporti_scrittori._Dalle_origini_al_XV_secolo]

C. Pastena, Storia dei materiali scrittori (vol. 2) [online [https://www.academia.edu/41589670/STORIA_DEI_MATERIALI_SCRITTORI_v._2.2_-_Gli_strumenti_scrittori_e_gli_inchiostri_dalle_origini_al_XV_secolo]

F. Benozzo, La filologia romanza e lo studio dei manoscritti [online https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/plg/phil/2017/00000003/00000001/art00011]


Five essays to be chosen among the following:

M. Adderley - A. Gautier, Les origines de la légende arthurienne [online [https://journals.openedition.org/medievales/6173]

M. Almagro-Gorbea, De la épica celta a la épica castellana [online [https://dadun.unav.edu/bitstream/10171/21256/1/01.%20MAG.pdf]

F. García Bazán, El mito del Santo Grial [online [https://repositorio.uca.edu.ar/bitstream/123456789/3559/1/mito-santo-grial.pdf]

F. Benozzo, Etnofilologia [online [http://www.continuitas.org/texts/benozzo_etnofilologia.pdf]

F. Benozzo, Tristano e Isotta [online [https://www.unica.it/unica/protected/132986/0/def/ref/MAT132987/]

F. Benozzo, Nostalgia for Chivalry and the Myth of the Knight [online [https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/plg/phil/2019/00000004/f0022018/art00004;jsessionid=10drut8ac37og.x-ic-live-03#]

F. Benozzo, Bran e il Cid Campeador [online [http://www.medioevoeuropeo-uniupo.com/index.php/mee/article/download/89/72]

P. Canettieri, La lirica galego-portoghese [online [https://paolocanettieri.wordpress.com/article/la-lirica-galego-portoghese-vyvpjuoxc2n0-39/]

A. Cilento, Medioevo delle donne [online [http://www.rmoa.unina.it/402/1/RM-Cilento-Donna.pdf]

J.J. Duggan, La théorie de la composition orale des chansons de geste [online [https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/olifant/article/download/19229/25353]

P. Galloni, Lo specchio di Tristano [online [http://www.rmoa.unina.it/644/1/RM-Galloni-Tristano.pdf]

A. Houdebert, Littératures romanes: l’héritage oriental [online [https://revistas.um.es/estudiosromanicos/article/view/146501/130851]

T. Kuroiwa - X. Leroux - D. Smith, De l’oral à l’oral: réflexions sur la transmission écrite des textes dramatiques au Moyen Âge [online [https://journals.openedition.org/medievales/6056]

A. Potestio, Il Medioevo e la contemporaneità. Dalla alfabetica all'ipertestualità [online [https://aisberg.unibg.it/bitstream/10446/152216/1/MT-2007-medioevo.pdf]

A. Ricci, Mirabilia. Appunti sul meraviglioso [online [http://www.rmoa.unina.it/1498/1/RM-AdelaideRicci-Mirabilia.pdf]

U. Sansò, Cavalieri di carta e celluloide. La cavalleria tra tensione al vero e rappresentazione cinematografica [online [https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/DoctorVirtualis/article/view/89/154]

A. Sciancalepore, Perceval [online [https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/38912466/SciancaleporePeir_Preprint_Draft.pdf?1443422335=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DPerceval_luomo_del_Peir_una_nota_etimolo.pdf&Expires=1595070112&Signature=Fw8GxSewK8CE29kQD6csiXvpWzL72YuxaDLrlmG~pXB5dS3ACMTZhiPUrBSkYLo8LwQ6sZEH6Yv-VwaQtzxVDFIkjukTw~sJWiYnz0ib7I5C8IClEI~CEzMQEHJVxtIdk1i3BJcxEGV3rQTk0YCkCqFuV6fEPyQbXRhKxtuhaPfUU2URtbxf4IF2oQOL1MxCTsipbAScqKrDf5WzwyNot~2-G-Gz6wrLRv3dmSJKh7UaFUSyeECfz-qlacp13yOZ7loIV-08qm4zW-VFKuHXU94s7Qyla7dD5iLhr2nXxb6MJwWfPnGEc-UQBG9XjXlenODovq73P4MbTKyxtcQbdw__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA]

Vendryes, Les éléments celtiques de la légende du Graal [online [https://www.persee.fr/doc/ecelt_0373-1928_1949_num_5_1_1204]

P. Zumthor, Oralité [online [https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/im/2008-n12-im3626/039239ar.pdf]


Non attending students can contact the lecturer in order to obtain a personalized program

Teaching methods

Due to Covid-19 emergency and based on the mandatory decision of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, all courses taught in the first semester will combine two teaching modalities (online and live/streaming) following a precise timeline. This course will therefore run accordingly

Assessment methods

Oral examination

Office hours

See the website of Francesco Benozzo


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.