69289 - Spanish Language and Culture I (First Language)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student:

  • Understands and produces a wide range of written texts and complex oral discourses in Spanish, expressing themselves fluently and spontaneously;
  • Communicates fluently and correctly in different registers (colloquial, neutral, formal, academic);
  • Makes detailed and well-structured oral presentations on complex topics;
  • Uses idiomatic and colloquial expressions and distinguishes connotative levels of meaning.

Course contents

The course aims to consolidate the students’ communicative language skills acquired so far and to deepen their linguistic knowledge. Special attention will be given to the analysis and production of different types of texts and to the development of reformulation and paraphrase skills, in order to enrich their oral and written production.

The main topics of study will be:



Haber impersonal

Ir/venir / llevar/traer

VERBOS CON DIFICULTADES CONTRASTIVAS: Verbos de régimen preposicional, verbos de cambio (volverse, hacerse, ponerse...), verbos de intelecto (acordarse, recordar, saber, conocer...)

Usos rectos y “desplazados” de los tiempos verbales en indicativo/subjuntivo




Uso de las conjunciones y locuciones conjuntivas copulativas

Uso de los nexos adversativos



Uso de las conjunciones y locuciones


Frases hechas, refranes, expresiones idiomáticas

Palabras baúl

Palabras que se prestan a confusión



Presentación pública sobre temas especializados

Estructura textual y ejemplos de lenguaje


Textos expositivos/argumentativos

Estructura (párrafos) y marcadores textuales

Panegírico (más literario)






- Gramática de referencia de la lengua española. (2010), María Lozano Zahonero, Milano: Hoepli.

- Gramática de perfeccionamiento de la lengua española. (2011), María Lozano Zahonero, Milano: Hoepli.

- Gómez Torrego, Leonardo. Manual de español correcto, Madrid, Arco/Libros, 2002.


  • DRAE Diccionario Real Academia Española (1992). Diccionario de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
  • Clave, Diccionario de uso del español actual, Madrid: Ediciones S.M.
  • Moliner, María (2002). Diccionario de uso del español (DUE-Versión CD Rom), Madrid: Gredos.
  • Seco, Manuel; Andrés, Olimpia, Ramos Gabino; (2000). Diccionario abreviado del español actual, Madrid: Grupo Santillana.

Teaching methods

Grammar study of the Spanish language aimed at the acquisition of a linguistic competence through a communicative method based on:

  • Lecture-based sessions
  • Discussions
  • Cooperative learning
  • Practice through new technologies
  • Practice in the classroom
  • Assignment
  • Individual research
  • Oral presentation

The lessons are face-to-face and require the students’ active participation with oral presentations and discussions related to the Spanish-speaking world.

The course requires the student to attend at least 70% of the lessons.

Assessment methods

Evaluation criteria entail both coursework and a final exam.

The former foresees the delivery of 2 assignments that will be worth 30% of the final mark.

The exam at the end of the course includes a written test to assess the students’ grammar and communication skills and an oral test to assess their ability to explain and argue.

The final exam mark will be the average between the result of the written test and that of the oral test.

Please, note that:

Only the students who pass the written test can take the oral test.

Teaching tools

Dossier provided by the teacher, online documents, written texts, audiovisual material. All contents, materials and resources will be available on VIRTUALE.

E-learning platform, PC, video projector.

Office hours

See the website of Ignacio Sanchez Mosquera