Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students will be expected to have acquired a general knowledge of interpretative tools, sufficient to understand the evolution of digital media and "social networks" in the fashion system. They will be able to recognize different communication strategies adopted by fashion companies in creating websites, social network pages or using product placement within media narratives (particularly in TV series). They will be expected to have acquired a general knowledge to carry out qualitative analyses on fashion blogs and social sites managed by fans and influencers.

Course contents

The course is organized with a part of lectures taught online on MS TEAMS (20 hours) and another taught in presence (20 hours). The number of students allowed in class is determined on the basis of class capacity and by the health and safety provisions that deal with the pandemic emergency. In case more students want to attend classes in presence than permitted by the rules, a system of shifts will be organized so to allow students to participate. Regardless of the health-related conditions and the specific organization of the course, students will be able to follow the lessons of the entire course remotely on MS TEAMS.

The lessons will explore the topic of digital communication starting from an analysis of today’s medial system and the practices of cultural convergence where they are taking place.

In specific, the lessons will follow an itinerary based on the social features of the new media and the opportunities of participation/interaction pertaining to online audiences. Specific items and settings (virtual communities, blogs, social networks) will be explored in order to understand the main features and changes which they bring to formats and communication processes, as well as to the general contemporary cultural scenario. A part of the course will examine the complex relationship between tv series and fashion, by considering product placement as one of the ways to promote products, together with the construction of meanings made and shared by audiences online.

The envisaged theoretical and analytical structure (study of tv series, forms and strategies of digital communication, tools for the analysis of web audiences) will be applied in order to study concrete examples.

In approaching these topics students will be advised on how to work on their own on the cases considered interesting. According to the tools been acquired, they will be able to analyse specific examples chosen during the lessons.


C. Bisoni, V. Innocenti, G. Pescatore (2013), "Il concetto di ecosistema e i media studies: un’introduzione", in Media Mutations Gli ecosistemi narrativi nello scenario mediale contemporaneo, Mucchi Editore.

T. Edwards (2012), La moda. Concetti, pratiche, politica, Einaudi (i capitoli I, II, V, VIII).

H. Jenkins, M. Deuze (2008) "Convergence Culture", inConvergence, The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1354856507084415].

A. Mascio (a cura di) (2012), Fashion Games, FrancoAngeli, (introduzione e i capitoli 2, 3, 4).

A. Mascio (2017), «Tv Series and Fashion. A Look to the Audiences’ Activities», Comunicazioni Sociali[http://www.vitaepensiero.it/scheda-articolo_digital/antonella-mascio/tv-series-and-fashion-a-look-to-the-audiences-activities-001200_2017_0001_0079-334490.html].

A. Mascio (2020), "Fra fiction e realtà L’uniforme di The Handmaid’s Tale come icona culturale", in Ocula, 22, [https://www.ocula.it/files/OCULA-22-MASCIO-Fra-fiction-e-realta.pdf].

A. Rocamora (2012), "Hypertextuality and Remediation in Fashion Media", in Journalism Practices [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17512786.2011.622914?needAccess=true].

H. Warner (2018), "Below-the-(Hem)line. Storytelling as Collective Resistance in Costume Design", in Feminist MediaHistories, Vol. 4,Number I [https://online.ucpress.edu/fmh/article-abstract/4/1/37/37059/Below-the-Hem-lineStorytelling-as-Collective?redirectedFrom=fulltext].

Recommended reading:

L. Manovich (2016), Instagram and Contemporary Image(introduction, parts 1, 2, 3) [http://manovich.net/content/04-projects/147-instagram-and-contemporary-image/instagram_book_manovich.pdf].

S. Skjulstad (2018), "Vetements, Memes, and Connectivity: Fashion Media in the Era of Instagram", in Fashion Theory [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1362704X.2018.1491191].

H. Warner, Fashion on Television. Identity and Celebrity Culture, Bloomsbury, London – New York, 2015.

Assessment methods

The final exam at the end of the course will assess the attainment of learning goals. There are three possibilities:

- students are required to submit an individual or group research and a written paper (or “short essay” of a maximum of 12 pages of 2000 characters each) on a topic chosen from those examined during the lessons;

- students are required to submit an individual written research (small essay) and an oral interview. The papers will have to be agreed with the teacher and refer to a case analysis. They should also submit them via email at least one week before the date of the exam session. For the grading, after their submission, the essays will have to be analysed orally during the exam. In the oral presentation the level of preparation concerning the texts included in the exam bibliography will also be assessed;

- written exam, with questions about the program.

Teaching tools

The lessons will also comprise the critical discussion of texts for the exam, by using different medial products (films, audio-video clips, fashion websites, digital magazines on fashion,.. ). Items, materials and typical social aggregation forms, typical of new media settings, and linked to fashion settings, will also be included.

Office hours

See the website of Antonella Mascio


Gender equality Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.