32462 - Foundations of Welfare System Law

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and managing of educational intervention in social distress (cod. 9229)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the Student: - knows the legal foundations in the field of welfare responsible design of educational and training interventions; - is able to plan, activate exchanges and share knowledge with social intervention structures present in the territory and oriented to discomfort; - is able to make significant contributions to the basic legal knowledge; - knows the main applications, IT tools and databases in the field of welfare law; - knows the main sources of information on the topics of teaching and is able to in comparatively.

Course contents

The topics right rules of the italian welfare system:

a) the program of this Teaching aims to enable the Student:

critically appreciating them, the hallmarks of today's "System interventions and social services", with the appropriate distinctions between socio-educational ones, social welfare and social-health; b) to capture the signals (regulatory and operational) of the transition from an eminently public and state welfare system to one for the more entrusted to local institutions, third sector subjects (welfare mix or society) and now industrial relations (such as corporate welfare); c) to learn about the structure of the Third Sector/No profit, with particular regard to the organisation of social cooperatives; d) to know lines bearing the current pension system; (e) to appreciate, both in terms of di validity/legitimacylegittimità and organizational effectiveness, the access process by a person in need of a public service of a social nature, and as possibly protect its non-poor disbursement.

In other words, the aim is to allow him to grasp the legal-formal axes the plurality of public social policies is articulated, but also to guide with the appropriate awareness of their consequences, their professional prospects public and private work.

In order to allow the Student to better orient himself, and thus start to make professionally autonomous, in the working mechanisms of these aspects, the first lessons will be dedicated to the institutions of administrative and private law [characters of the proceedings and administrative orders in relation to the contract, the administrative and judicial protection with references to both the system ofprocurement/accreditation and collective bargaining and finally liability (contractualamm.va/, non-contractual, accounting and criminal)of the social worker, educator, animator, mediator, social ass.te, etc. che professional and voluntary].

Dedicated lessons will be reserved for special orders such as:

- foreigners (legal scheme of entry and reception on the ground)

- the inclusion of disabled people (H), DSA and BES

- the social reintegration of those sentenced to prison terms or otherwise restricting freedom Staff.


A) -from G. Falcon, Lineamenti di diritto pubblico, XIV ed. Vicenza (Wolters Kluwe), Cap. 27 (only the parts signed, in the web page of this Coure)

B) from E. CODINI, A.FOSSATI, S.A.FREGO LUPPI, Manuale di diritto dei servizi sociali, Giappichelli ed., IV^ edizione, Torino, 2019:

1) - Parte I (only) pag. 21-126;

2) - six Chapters of your choice between those of Parte II;

3) - the Chapters II (L'Isee), III (La carta dei servizi) and IV (Il piano di zona) of Parte III.

C) - the paper of Prof. P. Unguendoli, 2020 (in the web) about the previdence. 

Student absent (not in Class)

A) -from G. Falcon, Lineamenti di diritto pubblico, XIV ed. Vicenza (Wolters Kluwe), Cap. 27 (only the parts signed, in the web page of this Coure)

B) As above, save at No. 2 to prepare four Chapters of choice for Part II, and at No. 3

also prepare the Cap. 4 (The Zone Plan) of Part III.

C) - the paper of Prof. P. Unguendoli, 2020 (in the web) about the previdence.

Teaching methods

Oral lessons and seminars and visit to structures


And simplifications drawn from the experience of the services provided (mostly) in the Region E milia-Romagna (as far as possible distinguishing that of small municipalities, more or less associated with each other in unions or mountain communities and therefore Asp or Special Companies, from that of the provincial capital municipalities or otherwise medium-large size.

Assessment methods

Oral examinations 

Teaching tools

The examination will take place, within strictly public context, in oral form in order to allow the Student (not only to practice this form in view of competitions or job interviews, but however) to express at their own dialectical best both their knowledge with respect to questions that will be asked how much - if you believe it - some notes of consistent appreciation what is directly observed or experienced, for the other, during the experience of Training course.

To the (only) frequenters who want it, and always orally and in a public context, it will be reserved a test in an itinerary on one or more dates that will be agreed in one of the last lessons (their attendance will therefore be verified).

Office hours

See the website of Guido Franchi Scarselli