37459 - Business Strategy

Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

This course aims at introducing the student to the main strategic issues at the business level. At the end of the course the student knows what a strategy is and how a competitive advantage can be achieved through the analysis of the industry and of the internal resources and capabilities. He/She understands the importance of business models, including the role of organizational structures and technological innovation. The student is able to define a business strategy and to evaluate a business strategy by situating the business in its context

Course contents

Strategy and results
Sector structure and company positioning
Sector dynamics and strategic change
Strategy evaluation
Strategy evaluation in the multi-business enterprise


- Teacher's slides on virtuale.unibo.it

- Lecture notes

- R. M. Grant, L’analisi strategica per le decisioni aziendali, il Mulino, 2020


Teaching methods


Assessment methods

Written exam


Teaching tools




Office hours

See the website of Sabrina Scarito