83249 - Latin Language and Literature 2 (LM)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Italian Culture and Language for Foreigners (cod. 0983)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will acquire the skills required to understand patterns and forms of reception of classical culture from the Antiquity to the 20th century.

Course contents

A text and its commentary:

(1) Gregorio Magno, Vita Benedicti (Dialogi lib. II), ed, A. de Vogüé - B. Calati, Roma 2000 (Opera omnia di Gregorio Magno)

(2) Other Author (personal reading): Sulpicio Severo, Vita Martini in Vita di Martino, Vita di Ilarione, In memoria di Paola cur. C. Mohrmann, A.A.R. Bastiaensen, L. Canali e C. Carena, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla-Mondadori editore, Milano 1998.

Students belonging to studies programs other than LM 39 are requested to work on a different program. Otherwise, they will not be admitted to the exams. They integrate the general program (1 and 2) with (3) Paolino, Vita Ambrosii in Vita di Cipriano, Vita di Ambrogio, Vita di Agostino cur. C. Mohrmann, A.A.R. Bastiaensen, L. Canali e C. Carena, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla-Mondadori editore, Milano 1975 (or other editions including both Latin text and translation).




Sulpicio Severo, Vita Martini in Vita di Martino, Vita di Ilarione, In memoria di Paola cur. C. Mohrmann, A.A.R. Bastiaensen, L. Canali e C. Carena, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla-Mondadori editore, Milano 1998

Gregorio Magno, Vita Benedicti (Dialogi lib. II), ed, A. de Vogüé - B. Calati, Roma 2000 (Opera omnia di Gregorio Magno)

Students who do not belong to LM 39 will read also:

Paolino, Vita Ambrosii in Vita di Cipriano, Vita di Ambrogio, Vita di Agostino cur. C. Mohrmann, A.A.R. Bastiaensen, L. Canali e C. Carena, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla-Mondadori editore, Milano 1975 (o edizioni equivalenti con testo latino a fronte).


C. Leonardi, L'agiografia latina dal Tardo Antico all'Alto Medioevo in Agiografie medievali, cur. A. Degl'Innocenti e F. Santi, Firenze, SISMEL 2011, pp. 143-60; G. Philippart, Les légendiers latins, Turnhout 1977 (Typologie des Sources 24-25); Manlio Simonetti,  Romani e Barbari. Le lettere latine alle origini dell'Europa (secoli V-VIII) cur. Giovanni Maria Vian, Roma, Carocci 2006 pp. 303 (Studi superiori. Lettere classiche 525); J. Fontaine, La letteratura latina cristiana (Paris 1970), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2000 (Universale Paperbacks)

Further readings will be shown during the course and put at disposal on the platform materiali didattici online.


Teaching methods

Classes are organized in form of lectures. The teacher will place the biographical texts examined in relation to the ancient tradition and with the subsequent forms of biographical writing(language and intellectual content). During the seminars, students will be required to discuss and interact, and to pass some tests to verify their level of knowledge.

Assessment methods

The exams consist in an interview. Students should be able to demonstrate their skills in reading, translating, and interpreting the texts, in placing authors and texts, in their historical context, and in assessing their contribution within the history of scientific language and literature of the Antiquity and Late Antiquity.

Teaching tools

Studies will be made available on the platform materiali didattici online.

Office hours

See the website of Francesco Santi