30945 - History of Architecture T

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Pier Giorgio Massaretti
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: ICAR/18
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Pier Giorgio Massaretti (Modulo 1) Davide Righini (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Building Engineering (cod. 9199)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to outline a broad overview of the History of Architecture, relating architectural emergencies to structural theories and construction practices, developing the critical capacity and historical knowledge of building architecture.

Course contents

- The teaching curriculum of "History of Architecture-T" - with the help of the manual selected and with the help of special monographic lessons - is intended to bring to light the close interaction between the historical development of techniques (materials and technologies) constructive and the unraveling of "historical narrative" of the architectural discipline.
- Theoretical teaching program covers the specified topics, for individual manuals

- This educational offer is preferentially developed in a dedicated frontal teaching (on request, it will be possible to organize targeted field surveys - guided tours, educational trips - of the Ravenna architectural heritage or national
- The foreseen frontal lessons will be an integration and an in-depth study of the aforementioned topics, which are the subject of examination questions



Required manuals of the course:
- Nuttgens, Patrick, “History of Architecture”, Bruno Mondadori, Milano [2001] - Chapters relevant to the program:

0) Prefazione [p. 8]; 1) Alcuni fatti fondamentali dell’architettura. L’architettura vernacolare [pp. 10-15]; 2) Lo splendore barbarico. Le prime civiltà [pp. 16-27]; 3) La geometria dell’immortalità. L’antico Egitto [pp. 28-41]; […] 7) Il paesaggio degli dei. La Grecia antica [pp. 86-101]; 8) L’autorità della competenza. L’antica Roma [pp. 102-115]; 9) La comunità adorante. Il Paleocristiano ed il Bizantino [pp. 110-129]; 10) L’ordine e il santuario. Il Romanico [pp. 130-143]; […] 12) La metafisica della luce. L’architettura medioevale ed il gotico [pp. 158-175]; 13) La scala della perfezione umana. Il Rinascimento in Italia [pp. 170-189]; […] 15) Il dramma delle forme e dello spazio. Il Barocco e il Rococò [pp. 202-217]; 16) I profeti dell’eleganza. Il classicismo romantico [pp. 218-229]; 17) Dal pionierismo al consolidamento. Le Americhe e oltre [pp. 230-239]; 18) Il trionfo dei maestri del ferro. La ricerca di uno stile [pp. 240-251]

- Frampton, Kenneth, "Storia dell’architettura moderna", Zanichelli, Bologna [2008] - Chapters relevant to the program:

Introduzione [pp. IX-XII]; Parte II. Una storia critica. II.3) Frank Llyod Wright e il mito della prateria 1890-1916 [pp. 56-64]; II.4) Il Razionalismo strutturale e l’influenza di Viollet-le-Duc: Guadì, Horta, Guimard e Berlage 1880-1910 [pp. 65-75]; II.5) Charles Rennie Mackintosh e la Scuola di Glasgow 1896-1916 [pp. 76-80]; II.6) La Primavera Sacra: Wagner, Olbrich e Hoffmann 1886-191 [pp. 81-88]; II.7) Antonio Sant’Elia e l’architettura futurista 1909-1914 [pp. 89-95]; II.8) Adolf Loos e la crisi della cultura 1896-1931 [pp. 96-102]; […] II.10) Tony Garnier e la «Cité industrielle» 1899-1918 [pp. 108-113]; II.11) Auguste Perret: l’evoluzione di un razionalismo classico 1899-1923 [pp. 114-118]; II.12) Il Deutsche Werbund 1898-1927 [pp. 119-127]; […] II.14) Il Bauhaus: l’evoluzione di un’idea 1919-1932 [pp. 136-144]; […] II.17) Le Corbusier e l’Esprit Nouveau 1907-1931 [pp. 169-182]; II.18) Mies van der Rohe e l’espressione della realtà 1921-1933 [pp. 183-190; […] II.20) Le Corbusier e la «Ville Radieuse» 1928-1946 [pp. 205-212]; […] II.24) Architettura e Stato: ideologia e rappresentazione 1914-1943 [pp. 247-263]

Assessment methods

- The exam will be developed and supported in a frontal form, and articulated in the following format:
i) as regards the first manual (Nuttgens, 2001):
i.i) diagnosis and direct verification of an alphanumeric file (to be sent to the Commission 3-5 days prior to the date of the appeal) concerning the elaboration of “Synthetic analytical cards”, dedicated to all the selected chapters, and organized in the following two sections:
a) 5 key words that identify the contents of the single chapter in question;
b) formalization of a synthetic abstract (max. 1,500-2,000 characters, including spaces) of the same chapters, in the sequence of the manual itself, and possibly accompanied by supplementary illustrations of the topics covered, found from other sources.
i.ii) oral examination of one (1) chapter of the same manual selected by the Examination Commission
ii) with regard to the second manual (Frampton, 2008):
ii.i) [see the development of the previous point i.i)]
ii.ii) oral examination of one (1) chapter of the same manual selected by the Examination Committee

Teaching tools

In addition the information provided in the course repertoire program, lessons will be dedicated to:
1) an in-depth presentation and articulation of the course objectives
2) the illustration of the fundamental "research tools" of the discipline, the theory and application of the history of architectural and related construction techniques works;
3) the development of specific topics and/or monographic papers, dedicated to examining a specific disciplinary issues.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Pier Giorgio Massaretti

See the website of Davide Righini


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