72609 - Virtual Reality Applications

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Applied cognitive psychology (cod. 0991)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - knows a model of the mind refers to? Embodied cognition; - Knows the ways of functioning of the mind upon which basic research and clinical applications that allow the use of virtual reality; - Knows the techniques of experiential therapy, as well as the different protocols to be applied in cases of anxiety disorder and eating disorders; - Knows the techniques of rehabilitation from the integration of neural substrates and cognitive processes; - Knows methods of communication multi-media and their different potential uses; - Knows representation models the environment of the mind.

Course contents

The course will take place during the first semester (from October to December) at the Bologna Campus Department of Psychology (address: V.le Berti Pichat, 5).

Introduction to the Virtual Reality: background

Embodied Cognition and Virtual Reality

Immersive Virtual Reality

Non-Immersive Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality as experience: from perception to action

Sharing Virtual Reality environment

Examples of Virtual Reality application: spatial ability, medical field, education, clinical and rehabilitation setting and so on.


Giuseppe Riva e Andrea Gaggioli (2019). Realtà Virtuali. Giunti Firenze

The following review:

1. Marta Ferrer-Garcia • Jose´ Gutie´rrez-Maldonado •
Giuseppe Riva (2013). Virtual Reality Based Treatments in Eating Disorders and Obesity: A Review. J Contemp Psychother, 43, 207–221

2. Elias Aboujaoude (2017). Three decades of telemedicine in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A review across platforms. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 14, 65–70

3. Hideki Nakayama, MD, Satoko Mihara, and Susumu Higuchi (2017). Treatment and risk factors of Internet use disorders. Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 71, 492–505

Teaching methods

Traditional didactics, seminars, laboratory

Assessment methods

The examination aims to verify the achievement of the following learning objectives:

- the knowledge of the tools discussed during the lectures;

- the ability to use these tools / protocols in various application areas analyzed during the lectures;

- the ability to employ the results obtained in order to interpret the phenomenon under study.
The examination was in oral form and provides for an assessment of thirty.

Teaching tools

Videorecorder, PC

Office hours

See the website of Raffaella Nori