65939 - Plant Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Moduli: Francesco Spinelli (Modulo Mod 1) Juri Nascimbene (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Ornamental plants and landscape protection (cod. 8523)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student has the essential knowledge on the main groups of autotrophic organisms, as well as some basic knowledge on the biology of fungi and bacteria. The student will be able to recognize the main families of spermatophytes with a relevance for ornamental purposes and landscape planning (Pinaceae, Fagaceae, Betulaceae, Rosaceae, Fabaceae, Brassicaceae, Solanaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae, Liliaceae and related families). The students will also aquire the knowledge of the   correctly use the scientific botanical nomenclature. The student will also know the main approaches to the study of plant diversity in an area, the main regulations for the protection of biodiversity and the landscape, the basic principles of landscape ecology and land use planning. Ultimately, the student will know the distribution of the most widespread forest communities and he/she will be able to recognize the most widespread wood species, placing them in an appropriate ecological and landscape context.

Course contents



- The classification of living organisms.

- The binomial system

- General taxonomy and botanical taxonomy

- The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, the International Code of Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants and the main rules of nomenclature, including the rules for the hybrid nomenclature.

Acquired knowledge:

- Correct use of scientific nomenclature in relation to spontaneous species, cultivars, selections and hybrids

2. Biodiversity and evolution (16 hours)

- The endosymbiotic theory and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (4 hours)

- Structure of the plant cell and its functioning (2 hours)

- Notes on the origin of terrestrial plants and their diversification (3 hours)

- The importance of phytobione in the adaptation and evolution of terrestrial plants (3 hours)

- Biodiversity of terrestrial plants and main taxonomic groups with examples of plants of agricultural and ornamental importance (2 hours)

- Biology of reproduction in Angiosperms. (2 hours)

Acquired knowledge:

- Basic knowledge about the main groups of  autotrophic organisms, key notions on the biology of bacteria and fungi and on their role in the ecosystem and in symbiontic relationships with plants.

- Basic knowledge on plant reproduction an

LABORATORY (12 hours)

- Direct observations of the cellular and anatomical structure of an Angiosperm (4 hours)

- Experiments on the fitobiome and effect of the symbiosis on the adaptability of the plant (8 hours)



Lectures (16 hours)

Module 2 - lectures (16 hours)
Introduction to the course and to the study of flora and vegetation
General patterns of biodiversity distribution (latitudinal and altitudinal) and mechanisms that determine them
Areal concept
Biogeographic regions and floristic kingdoms
Corotypes of the Italian flora with particular focus on endemisms and alien species
Functional aspects: life forms
Physiognomic and syntaxonomic classification of vegetation
Vegetation dynamics (fluctuations, primary and secondary successions)
Biodiversity and ecosystem services. Reasons for protecting biodiversity.
The protection of biodiversity at regional, national and European level. The Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive. ZPS, SIC and the Natura 2000 European Ecological Network.

- Acquired knowledge:
- Basic information on the main approaches that can be used to study the plant diversity of an area.
- Knowledge of the main regulations for the protection of biodiversity and the landscape, also from the perspective of possible applications to spatial planning.


Practical Experiences (14 hours)

Use of interactive tools for the identification of plants
Preparation of a herbarium of tree-shrub species (samples of at least 50 species)
Field excursions in urban environment aimed at the identification of arboreal-shrub species


Selected reading from:

- PASQUA G., ABBATE G., FORNI C., 2015 - Botanica Generale e Diversità Vegetale. III edizione, Piccin, Padova.

The textbook is available at the library of Palazzo Vespignani, ad Imola.

The teacher will provide the pdf of scientific articles on each of the topics covered in class, as well as the pdf of each lesson once the topic is completed

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars. Seminars by experts. Laboratory and practical experiences


Assessment methods

Oral exam or seminar  prepared by the student on a specific topic of the course.

  1. Oral exam. For each module, the exam will consist on 3 questions, accounting for 10 points each. One of the question can be a problem solving activity related to case studies debated during the course. The question may include also the laboratory and practical experiences.
  2. Seminar. The student can prepare a presentation on a topic chosen in agreement with the professor. The subject must be related with a specific topic of the course and should review the state-of-the art on that topic. The student will be guided, step-by-step, in the preparation of the elaborate and additional material will be provided to the student to achieve this goal. During students presentations the teacher stimulate the discussion regarding major problems relative to the chosen topic

Module 2 - Oral exam with discussion of the herbarium.

Teaching tools

Power Point Presentation, lab and experimental fields

For lectures: presentations prepared by the teacher

For practical activities: fresh plant material and herbarium; field excursions.
Identification tools of the Dryades project (www.dryades.units.it)
Iconographic material of the Acta Plantarum website (www.actaplantarum.org)

Office hours

See the website of Francesco Spinelli

See the website of Juri Nascimbene


Responsible consumption and production Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.