31349 - Spanish Literature 3

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Eugenio Maggi
  • Credits: 9
  • SSD: L-LIN/05
  • Language: Spanish
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students know aspects and problems of the history of literature. They know analytically the works of the different authors, are able to evaluate their literary quality and to analyze them according to precise critical methodologies. They have acquired the theoretical knowledge necessary to recognize the formal, thematic and stylistic components of literary works, and are able to link them to precise historical and cultural contexts. They are able to translate and comment with the property the contents of the works studied, from a linguistic, historical and philological point of view.

Course contents

Rebellion and disillusionment. Forms of critical realism from Francoism to the current crisis

The course aims to examine how Spanish literature has offered, in some fundamental historical crossings, a critical look at the status quo and the ideology in power. Significant, short or extensive texts will be used, as well as selected cinematographic works.

The course will be divided into three main blocks:
1. The cultural resistance to Francoism, between censorship, exile and democratic conquests
2. The controversial rescue of historical memory and the questioning of the Transition
3. The narrative representations of the contemporary socioeconomic crisis


Bibliografía primaria (¡ver abajo sobre los textos obligatorios para el examen!):

Max Aub, "Escritos sobre el exilio" (2007)

Rafael Chirbes, “La buena letra” (1992), “Los disparos del cazador” (1994) [ahora en un solo volumen: “Pecados originales”, 2013], "La larga marcha" (1996), "La caída de Madrid" (2000), "Crematorio" (2007), "En la orilla" (2013)

Belén Gopegui, “La conquista del aire” (1998)

Juan Goytisolo, "Para vivir aquí" (1960)

Isaac Rosa, "¡Otra maldita novela sobre la guerra civil!" (1999/2007), "El vano ayer" (2004), "La mano invisible" (2011), "La habitación oscura" (2013)

Marta Sanz, "Daniela Astor y la caja negra" (2013), "Clavícula" (2017)

Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, "El pianista" (1985; ed. J. Colmeiro, Cátedra, 2017), "Galíndez" (1991), "Autobiografía del General Franco" (1992)


"Muerte de un ciclista" (1955), dir. Juan Antonio Bardem

"Calle mayor" (1956), dir. Juan Antonio Bardem

"El verdugo" (1963), dir. Luis García Berlanga

"La caza" (1966), dir. Carlos Saura

“Las razones de mis amigos” (2000), dir. Gerardo Herrero

"El misterio Galíndez" (2003), dir. Gerardo Herrero

"La vida en rojo" (2008), dir. Andrés Linares

"Crematorio" (2011), serie televisiva, dir. Jorge Sánchez-Cabezudo

"La mano invisible" (2016), dir. David Macián

Bibliografía crítica:

A lo largo del curso, el docente pondrá a disposición una selección específica de artículos y ensayos a través de la plataforma IOL. Como manuales de consulta y referencia general (no obligatorios) se recomiendan:

Carmelo Adagio, Alfonso Botti, Storia della Spagna democratica. Da Franco a Zapatero, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2006.

Juan Pablo Fusi, Historia mínima de España, Madrid, Turner, 2012.

Jordi Gracia, Domingo Ródenas, Historia de la literatura española, vol. VII: Derrota y restitución de la modernidad: 1939-2010, Barcelona, Crítica, 2011.

Danilo Manera (coord.), Letteratura spagnola contemporanea, Milano-Torino, Pearson, 2020.

Teaching methods

Frontal teaching (in Spanish) with use of digital materials available online; seminar activities with active participation of students.

Assessment methods

Aun asumiendo las limitaciones de las fórmulas previstas actualmente [julio de 2020] (encuentros en línea y/o semipresenciales), se entiende que el alumno tendrá que participar en las clases de manera activa. Esta participación contribuirá a la evaluación final.

Examen final (oral): los alumnos prepararán los textos breves (poemas, relatos, extractos de novelas y ensayos) disponibles en la plataforma IOL, y deberán demostrar competencias generales sobre los fenómenos culturales e históricos abordados a lo largo de la asignatura.

Además, prepararán tres lecturas integrales, una para cada uno de los bloques de la asignatura (v. arriba)

Teaching tools

Online teaching materials will be made available through the IOL platform; extensive use will be made of the projector to display summaries, concepts, text fragments, images and video sequences.

Office hours

See the website of Eugenio Maggi