92609 - Advanced Workshop on History and Service Models for Children Care in Italy and in Europe

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Dorena Caroli
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: M-PED/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Educator In Childhood Social Services (cod. 8775)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop the student:

- knows the evolution of the legislation framework of childcare services at Italian and European level in a comparative perspective.

- will know the history of the different models of educational services useful for evaluating the adequacy of the proposed models with respect to the social and cultural context in which it is elaborated;

- demonstrates knowledge of the main themes of the history of educational institutions aimed at early childhood with an aim directed towards the present;

- uses the historical-educational knowledge to build educational projects, as well as educational paths, with reference to psychological and pedagogical models;

- is able to outline the history of educational institutions for early childhood present at the local level and to place them in their historical-cultural context.

Course contents

The laboratory intends to present, in a comparative perspective, the salient aspects of the history of nursery schools in Italy and in some European countries (mainly France, Germany, England and Russia) from the second half of the nineteenth century until today. The laboratory is divided into two parts.In the first part, after having traced the genesis of the nurseries of today in the French crèche, it will study the phases of the international circulation of the original model, its development and evolution in the different national contexts (Italy, Germany, England and Russia). In the second part, the legislation will be focused from the second post-war period to the present in order to compare the evolution of the legislation, the phases of pedagogical renewal, the main educational models present in the nests of the different countries with a view turned to the present reality.


Barbieri N.S., Asili nidi e scuole dell’infanzia nella storia italiana, in F. de Giorgi, A. Gaudio, F. Pruneri (a cura di), Manuale di storia della scuola italiana. Dal Risorgimento al XXI secolo, Brescia, Scholé, 2019, pp. 69-115.

Caroli D., Per una storia dell'asilo nido in Europa tra Otto e Novecento, Milano, FrancoAngeli 2014 (reprint 2015), pp. 5-346 (English translation Palgrave, 2017, pp. xiii-xxvii-3-342).

Campioni L., Marchesi F. (a cura di), Sui nostri passi. Tracce di storia dei servizi educativi nei Comuni capoluogo dell’Emilia Romagna, Junior, 2014, pp. 5-495 (almeno 3 capitoli a scelta).

Ferrari, M., Asili nido e scuole dell’infanzia nel primo trentennio della Repubblica italiana tra proposte educative e disposizioni normative, in G. Zago (a cura di), L’educazione extrascolastica nella seconda metà del Novecento. Tra espansione e rinnovamento (1945-1976), Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2017, pp. 63-84.

(Not compulsory texts)

Campioni L., Marchesi F. (a cura di), La strada maestra. Tracce di storia delle scuole comunali dell’infanzia nei capoluoghi dell’Emilia Romagna, San Paolo D’Argon (Bergamo), Zeroseiup, 2019, pp. 6-454 (3 capitoli a scelta).

Campioni L., Marchesi F. (a cura di), Una partenza forte: primi nidi in Emilia-Romagna, Bergamo, Zeroseiup, 2019 (in corso di stampa).

Caroli, D., Le riforme dei nidi d’infanzia in Italia e Francia fra il ’68 e gli anni Settanta alla luce di studi recenti, in Atti del Convegno Cirse (2019), in corso di stampa.

Garnier P., Brougère G., Raya S. e Rupin P. (a cura di), À 2 ans, vivre dans un collectif d’enfants. Crèche, école maternelle, classe passerelle, jardin maternel, Toulouse, Érès, 2016, pp. 360 (la docente fornirà alcune parti in traduzione).

Pironi T., Zucchi L. (a cura di), Maria Montessori al nido tra storia e attualità, Junior, 2018, pp. 7-166.

Teaching methods

By the mean of the teaching approach of the laboratory, the teacher's lectures will be followed and accompanied by group activities (aimed at writing short texts) that focus on the fundamental moments of the birth and development of the nests as well as the different educational models and the their evolution.

Assessment methods

The final evaluation (exam score in 30ties) will focus on the works produced by the students during the workshop and will take into account the learning of the contents, the capacity for critical re-elaboration and the use of specific terminology to the topics. The teacher will constantly gather the synthetic reflection texts written by the students, which will also allow them to evaluate the regular attendance.

Teaching tools

Lectures use visual aids (powerpoint) and lecture notes provided by the teacher.

Office hours

See the website of Dorena Caroli