15579 - Intercultural Pedagogy

Academic Year 2019/2020

Learning outcomes

After completing the course the student knows: the concepts of multiculturalism and interculturalism and major transformations in multicultural sense of contemporary societies; - Knows and distinguishes different pedagogical models (assimilation, separation, integration) in comparison with the intrcultural perspective; - It includes concepts of intercultural education objectives and instruments; - Analyzes the complexity of the contemporary migratory phenomena; - Recognizes the categorization processes related to the formation of stereotypes and prejudices; - Comprises the historical dynamics, social, cultural, leading to attitudes and racist behavior; - It includes issues related to the meeting between families and children of foreign origin and early childhood services; - Knows how to translate the theoretical reference criteria of intercultural education in educational work with children and families in services for early childhood; - Knows how to build reception paths and educational projects for children and families (foreign and indigenous origin) in educational services 0-3 years in view of the appreciation of differences and similarities, the exposure to diversity, cultural decentralization, the containment of the formation of stereotypes and prejudices; - Knows the main issues / problems related to the creation of families through the paths of international adoption; - Applies a key to intercultural reading to reality international adoptive starting from the direct experience of the adopted.

Course contents

Starting from a theoretical approach that focuses attention on the individual and not on cultures considered in a strict and unchangeable way, as well as the concepts of difference and diversity as means which allow us to understand the individual identity in continual redefinition and founded on plural belongings (national, local, family, professional, gender, linguistic, religious, cultural), the course aims to offer elements of knowledge and reflection about the multitude of factors that generate transformations in multicultural sense in contemporary societies, of educational processes that are carried out, of the current characteristics of an attitude and an intercultural educational way of planning. We will analyse the following issues: pedagogical models, assimilation, separation and integration; sterotypes and prejudices, both in adults and children; forms of racism in the relationship with those coming from far away (but not only); relations between immigration images and messages spread by the media. Furthermore, we will deepen specific themes related to concrete operational contexts in nurseries; namely, “to do" interculture through a way of planning that makes the nursery reception concrete, considered as a privileged place of meeting and intercultural relationships, where differences/peculiarities of every one as well as similarities can find recognition, expression, valorisation and exchange. We will analyse intercultural education experiences with children and families in order to provide students with new theoretical insights and practical tools for achieving educational pathways that are capable of "embrace the culture of every child." Further details will be dedicated to the reality of international adoption: legislative aspects and educational issues of intercultural importance concerning the family and school reception.



For the preparation of the oral exam the students must know in depth and punctually 4 volumes.


Bolognesi I. e Lorenzini S. (2017). Pedagogia interculturale. Pregiudizi, razzismi, impegno educativo, BOLOGNA:Bononia University Press


Stefania Lorenzini e Margherita Cardellini (a cura di), Discriminazioni verso genere e colore della pelle. Un’analisi critica per l’impegno interculturale e antirazzista, Milano: Franco Angeli 2018, IN PRESS.


Bolognesi I., Di Rienzo A., Lorenzini S., Pileri A. (2005), Di cultura in culture: esperienze e percorsi interculturali nei Nidi d'Infanzia, MILANO: Franco Angeli.

3 e 4

Lorenzini S. (2013) Adozione e origine straniera. Problemi e punti di forza nelle riflessioni dei figli, PISA: ETS.

Lorenzini S. (2012), Famiglie per adozione. Le voci dei figli, PISA: ETS.



Optional bibliography for further information on international adoption students who wish to deepen their knowledge and study of the international adoptive reality can refer, optionally, also to the following bibliography:

. Lorenzini S., Adozioni internazionali: un nucleo interculturale di affetti, ma non sempre. Storie di adozioni impossibili o fortemente problematiche (in collaborazione con M.P. Mancini), Bologna, Regione Emilia Romagna 2007, p. 167.

. Lorenzini S., Adozioni internazionali: alcuni cenni al contesto italiano, Appendice a J.-F. Chicoine, P. Germain, J. Lemieux, Genitori adottivi e figli del mondo. I vari aspetti dell'adozione internazionale, Erickson Trento, 2004, pp. 267-276.

. Lorenzini S., Adozioni internazionali e scuola. Riflessioni e testimonianze da una prospettiva di Pedagogia Interculturale, in Educazione Interculturale. Culture, esperienze, progetti, ottobre 2004, n. 3, pp. 311-324.

. Lorenzini S., Adozione internazionale: mobilità della prole nel mondo e nascita di nuovi cittadini, in A. Colombo, A. Genovese, A. Canevaro (a cura di), Educarsi all'interculturalità. Immigrazione e integrazione dentro e fuori la scuola, Erickson, Trento, 2005, 139-154.

. Lorenzini S., (deposited 02 Febbraio 2007 ) [http://rpd.cib.unibo.it/archive/00000027/]

. Lorenzini S., Adozione internazionale. L'approccio educativo e interculturale. In Ricerche di pedagogia e didattica (deposited 02 Febbraio 2007)

. Lorenzini S., Costruire familiarità nell'incontro adottivo, in Infanzia, n. 4, luglio-agosto 2008, pp. 264- 268.

. Lorenzini S., Famiglie adottive multiculturali: rapporti tra fratelli e sorelle e ruoli genitoriali, in corso di stampa in Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare, n. 2, 2009, pp. 23-33

. Lorenzini S.,Genitori e Figli che arrivano da lontano: l'adozione internazionale, in Mariagrazia Contini (a cura di), Molte infanzie, molte famiglie. Interpretare i contesti in pedagogia, Carocci, Roma, 2010, pp. 119 – 138.

. Lorenzini S., Focus Adozione nazionale e internazionale: alcune tematiche di un universo familiare a cura di Stefania Lorenzini in Infanzia, n. 6, novembre-dicembre 2010

. Lorenzini S., Cosa non è l'adozione: rappresentazioni diffuse, idee e parole scorrette, in Infanzia, n. 6, novembre-dicembre 2010.

Teaching methods

The course includes both frontal classes and group work and interactive modes. Attending students will be invited to contribute to the training course through critical reflection and re-elaboration of their experiences and knowledge.

Power points will be used and video documents will be projected and commented.

Assessment methods

The assessment is done by an oral interview. Students are expected to know in a timely manner all the exam papers. It will be appreciated the ability to twist the content of the texts with the reflections developed and additional knowledge gained in class attendance. The achievement by students from an organic vision of the issues (in class and in the texts) in a joint capacity for critical reflection, the proof of possession of an expressive and specific language proficiency will be evaluated with marks of excellence. Knowledge for the more mechanical and / or mnemonics of matter, synthesis and analysis not articulated and / or a proper language but not always appropriate to bring discrete assessments; training gaps and / or inappropriate language - albeit in a context of minimal knowledge of exam material - will lead to votes that will not exceed sufficiency. Training gaps, inappropriate language will only be evaluated negatively.

Teaching tools

Power point

Video documents

Materials with updated statistical data

Office hours

See the website of Stefania Lorenzini


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.