85870 - Food Technologies Of Vegetable Products

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Claudio Riponi
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: AGR/15
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Claudio Riponi (Modulo Mod 1) Claudio Riponi (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (cod. 9235)

Learning outcomes

The aim of this course is to supply the knowledge of the main operations to put into effect on the raw materials and on the semifinisched to the production of the foods: Operations of separations: filtration, sedimentation, flotation, centrifugation, pressing. Distillation: equilibrium curves, simple and split distillation. Food conservation and stabilisation: physical and chimicals methods. Heat treatments: concentration, evaporation, drying, liophilisation, pateurisation and sterilisation. Low temperatures tratments: refrigeration, freezing, deep-freezing. At the end of the course, the student will have knowledge on the production of different types of wine (white, red, sparkling and dessert wine) and spirits (brandy, cognac, armagnac, grappa). They are also given notions about technology of beer.

Course contents

Preliminary operations. Operations of separations: filtration, sedimentation, flotation, centrifugation, pressing. Distillation: equilibrium curves, simple and split distillation. Food conservation and stabilisation: physical and chimicals methods. Heat treatments: concentration, evaporation, drying, liophilisation, pateurisation and sterilisation. Low temperatures tratments: refrigeration, freezing, deep-freezing. At the end of the course, the student will have knowledge on the production of different types of wine (white, red, sparkling and dessert wine) and spirits (brandy, cognac, armagnac, grappa). They are also given notions about beer, Wisky, cider, calvados and rum


Cheftel J.C., Cheftel H., Besancon P., Biochimica e Tecnologia degli Alimenti, Edagricole Bologna 1998 Lerici C.R., Lercker G., Principi di Tecnologie degli Alimenti, CLUEB Bologna 1983 Peri C., Zanoni B, Manuale di Tecnologie Alimentari, CUSL, Milano 1994, Pompei C., La trasformazione industriale di frutta e ortaggi, Edagricole, Bologna 2005

Teaching methods

During the course the thematic ones connected to the single technological participations will be faced.

Assessment methods

To the end of the course a written test is previewed composed from more questions to multiple answer. Following the level of learning will be carried out through an oral examination composed from three questions

Teaching tools

Specific didacticts materials: monography, CD, powerpoint etc.

Office hours

See the website of Claudio Riponi


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.