Academic Year 2019/2020

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop the student: - is able to move independently in applying the specific techniques learned autonomously or within projects organized by the institutions; - knows how to deal with other subjects on the methods of use and documentation of the learned techniques; - knows how to place the specific knowledge learned in different types of service; - can assess the limits and merits of the technical equipment learned; - knows how to transfer the technologies learned in different contexts by making changes and personal additions.

Course contents

The workshop intends to present, in a comparative perspective, the fundamental aspects of the history of disability. The course is structured in three parts. The first studies the process of codification of disabilities thanks to the reading of the treatises describing the symptoms / of mental and physical / handicaps and which has marked important milestones in the culture of disability. The second analyzes some cases of institutions that were first founded for the care and education of children affected by various forms of disability (institutions for the blind, deaf-mute, autistic and mentally disabled and motorized). The third reflects on the educational methods developed and on their circulation within educational institutions.


Canevaro A., Goussot A. (a cura di), La difficile storia degli handicappati, Roma, Carocci editore, 2005, pp. 7-271.

Caroli, D., Bambini anormali nella Russia pre-rivoluzionaria e sovietica, in M. Ferrari (a cura di), I bambini di una volta. Problemi di metodo. Studi per Egle Becchi, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2006, pp. 195-241.

Crispiani, P., Storia della pedagogia speciale: l’origine, lo sviluppo, la differenziazione, Pisa, ETS, 2016, pp. 782 (3 capitoli a scelta).

Morandini M.C., La conquista della parola. L’educazione dei sordomuti a Torino tra Otto e Novecento, Torino, Sei, 2010, pp. 3-197.

Sani R., Storia dei sordomuti nell’Italia dell’Ottocento: istituzioni, metodi, proposte formative, Torino, Sei, 2008, pp. X-550 (3 capitoli a scelta).

Schianchi M., Storia della disabilità. Dal castigo degli dèi alla crisi del welfare, Roma, Carocci, 2018, pp. 11-255.

Further readings

Foucault M., Gli anormali. Corso al Collège de France (1974-1975), Milano, Feltrinelli, pp. 322.

De Amicis, E., Nel giardino della follia, Pisa, Ets, 1990, pp. 89 (anche altra edizione).

Dostoevskij, F.M., I demoni (1871), Milano, Garzanti, 1977, pp. xvii-397 (anche altra edizione).

Dickens, C., Barnaby Rudge (1841), Torino, Einaudi, 2004, pp. pp. XV-797.

Turgenev, I., Mumu, Milano, Adelphi, 1997, pp. 71-113 (anche altra edizione).

Teaching methods

In the perspective of the workshop teaching, the traditional (frontal) lectures will be followed and accompanied by group activities (aimed at writing short texts) that focus on the fundamental moments of the codification of the different forms of disability, of the birth of educational institutions, of models educational and their historical evolution.

Assessment methods

The final evaluation will consider the works produced by the students during the workshops and will take into account the learning of the contents, the capacity for critical re-elaboration and the use of specific terminology to the topics covered. The teacher will constantly gather the synthetic reflection texts written by the students, which will also allow them to evaluate the regular attendance.

Teaching tools

The moments of frontal didactics make use of visual aids (powerpoint), lecture notes provided by the teacher, visions of videos about the history of disability.

Office hours

See the website of Dorena Caroli