Academic Year 2019/2020

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop the student: - is able to move independently in applying the specific techniques learned autonomously or within projects organized by the institutions; - knows how to deal with other subjects on the methods of use and documentation of the techniques learned; - knows how to place the specific knowledge learned in different types of service; - can assess the limits and merits of the technical equipment learned; - knows how to transfer the technologies learned in different contexts by making changes and personal additions.

Course contents

The course proposes to study the salient phases of the development of the main mass youth movements of the twentieth century (Scout, Balilla and Pioneers) and to place them in the dual context of the cultural and educational policy of the different countries. The evolution of the organization of these movements will be placed in their historical context with particular attention to their protagonists, to development in relation to the training model proposed for the different generations. The laboratory is divided into three parts which concern respectively the Scouts, the Balillas and the Pioneers (Soviet and Italian post-war).


Betti C., L’opera nazionale balilla e l’educazione fascista, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1984, pp. 199.

Caroli, D. Ideali, ideologie e modelli formativi. Il movimento dei Pionieri in Urss (1917-1939), Milano, Unicopli, 2015, pp. 1-239.

Sica M., Storia dello scoutismo in Italia, Roma, Edizioni fiordaliso, 2006, pp. 11-491.

Not compulsory texts:

Betti C., Adolescenti e società complessa: proposte d’intervento formativo e didattico, Tirrenia, Edizioni del Cerro, 2002, pp. 266.

Causarano P., Dalla parte del popolo. Mobilitazione civile e sociale e formazione extrascolastica nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra, in G. Zago (a cura di), L’educazione extrascolastica nella seconda metà del Novecento. Tra espansione e rinnovamento (1945-1976), Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2017, pp. 41-62.

Pisa, B., Crescere per la patria. I Giovani esploratori e le Giovani Esploratrici di Carlo Colombo (1912-1927), Milano, Unicopli, 200, pp. 5-364.

Franchini S., Diventare grandi con il “Pioniere” (1950-1962). Politiche, progetti di una vita e identità di genere nella piccola posta do un giornalino di sinistra, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2006, pp. 1-295.

Dal Toso, P., Nascita e diffusione dell’ASCi 1916-1928, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2006, pp. 7-80.

Dogliani P., Storia dei giovani, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2003, pp. 1-218.

Fincardi M. (a cura di), Movimenti e culture giovanili (Numero monografico con articoli di M. Fincardi, Francesca Bottin, Johannes U. Müller, Catia Papa, Sandra Souto Kustrin, Viola Gorza, Dorena Caroli, Silvia Zanella, Rosaria Nunziata) “Memoria e ricerca” 25/2007, pp. 5-125 (introduzione di M. Fincardi e almeno 3 saggi a scelta).

Gecchele, M., Polenghi S., Dal Toso S. (a cura di), Il Novecento: il secolo del bambino?, Spaggiari Junior, 2017 (capitoli su Italia di C. Ghizzoni, pp. 93-112; su nazionalsocialismo di H. Rosenbaum, pp. 113-131; e Russia di Dorena Caroli, pp. 155-173).

Gibelli A., Il popolo bambino. Infanzia e nazione dalla Grande guerra a Salò, Torino, Giulio Einaudi Editori, 2005, pp. 3-412.

Stargardt, N., La guerra dei bambini. Infanzia e vita quotidiana durante il nazismo, Milano, Mondadori, 2006, pp. 3-535.

Teaching methods

According to the specific nature of laboratory teaching, the lectures will be followed and accompanied by group activities (aimed at the preparation of short texts) that focus on the characteristics and evolution of the organization of the movements, the different educational models of the youth movements in relation to the concepts of youth and generation cultures, their evolution and diffusion at European level.

Assessment methods

The final evaluation will focus on the works produced by the students during the workshops and will take into account the learning of the contents, the capacity for critical re-elaboration and the use of specific terminology to the topics. The teacher will constantly collect the reflective texts written by the students, which will also allow them to evaluate the regular attendance.

Teaching tools

The frontal moments of the lecture make use of visual aids (powerpoint) and lecture notes provided by the teacher.

Office hours

See the website of Dorena Caroli