02935 - Laboratory (Lab3)

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Pina Lalli
  • Credits: 4
  • Language: Italian

Course contents

The Laboratory develops itself as a seminar where some academic activities already undertaken at the Bologna Department of Law will be developed, aiming at raising awareness about male violence against women and understanding the cultural, social, ethical and legal management of the phenomenon, both in Italy and in Europe.

The seminar covers the interdisciplinary study of issues related to the phenomenon of violence against women. This is done by way of lectures aimed at broadening the issues that can be embraced by scholars and experts and by way of group discussions aimed at highlighting the complexity of the phenomenon.

List of the seminars on Thursdays, from 10 October to 12 December 2019,  h 17-19
0 e 17 October: aula A, via S. Petronio vecchio 32
From 24 October: aula B, viale Berti Pichat 6

10 Ottobre : Introduzione al Seminario e allo studio degli sterotipi di genere ( Annarita Angelini, Chiara Gius e Pina Lalli)

17 Ottobre: Annalisa Verza - sociologia del diritto - Le aggressioni contro le donne dal mondo del web al mondo fisico

24 ottobre: Milli Virgilio – diritto penale - Linguaggio e categorie giuridiche delle violenze maschili contro le donne

31 ottobre: Saveria Capecchi - gender media studies - Le campagne contro la violenza sulle donne: tendenze e cambiamenti e Anna Pramstrahler - Casa delle donne per non subire violenza- Le politiche di contrasto alla violenza, esperienze sul campo e presentazione del festival della violenza illustrata

7 novembre: Chiara Gius e Pina Lalli – sociologia della comunicazione - Il racconto del femminicidio nella cronaca nera

14 novembre: Alessandra Dino e Gaetano Gucciardo -sociologia della devianza - Femminicidi a processo: numeri e ipotesi di analisi delle sentenze giudiziarie

21 novembre: Susi Pelotti - medicina legale e forense - L’approccio medico forense alle violenze contro le donne

28 novembre: Emanuela Fronza - diritto penale - Stupro e crimini internazionali

5 dicembre: Fiorella Giusberti - psicologia - Il "trattamento" delle emozioni e la psicologia giuridica

12 dicembre: Pina Lalli e Maria (Milli) Virgilio – Conclusioni, approfondimento e dibattito


A syllabus is gradually updated from the beginning of the seminar in the specific page of the website Osservatorio di ricerca sul femminicidio 

Teaching methods

The course consists in at least 10 lectures with experts, followed by discussions. The lectures will take place in the first semester.

Assessment methods

a) Participation to at least 7 lectures in 10.

b) one opportunity at the end of the seminar: questionnaire (closed  and open questions) about the issues of the seminars. 

Attendance and at least 50% of correct answers will allow "pass" for the credits. 

Only exchange students (Erasmus+ or Oversaes Programs) can agree with the teacher another form of assessment. 

Teaching tools

Slides and videos. It would be possible to check the specialist site Research Observatory on Femicide: its English version will be available as soon as possible.

Office hours

See the website of Pina Lalli


Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.