00947 - History of Theatre and Entertainment

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Marco De Marinis
  • Credits: 12
  • SSD: L-ART/05
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes

  • Acquisition of general theoretical lines about history of theatre and performance

  • Identification of dramaturgic and performative criteria that are recurring both in the past and in the present

  • Assimilation of specific methods of analysis and their application on well-defined investigation fields

Course contents


I Module (6 credits). Foundations of theatre history. The theatre at origins. From Greece to Renaissance

Start on October 7th, 2019

II Module (6 credits). Modern re-inventions of the theatre: from Barock to XX Century

Start on November 11th, 2019


I+II Module (12 credits)

Start on October 7th, 2019


I Module (6 credits)

Program and Texts:

1) M. De Marinis, Visioni della scena. Teatro e scrittura, Roma-Bari, Laterza

2) Lesson's notes


2bis) one book from the bottom list


II Module (6 credits)

Program and Texts:

1) M. De Marinis, Visioni della scena. Teatro e scrittura, Roma-Bari, Laterza

2) Lesson's notes


2bis) one book in the list above



I Module + II Module

1) R. Alonge-F. Perrelli, Storia del teatro e dello spettacolo, II ed., Torino, UTET, 2015 (only this edition)

2) M. De Marinis, Visioni della scena. Teatro e scrittura, Roma-Bari, Laterza

3) M. De Marinis, Ripensare il Novecento Teatrale. Paesaggi e spaesamenti, Roma, Bulzoni, 2018

4) one book from this list:

- M. Bloch, Apologia della storia o Mestiere di storico, Torino, Einaudi

- C. Ginzburg, Miti, emblemi, spie, Torino, Einaudi

- R. Guarino, Il teatro nella storia, Roma-Bari, Laterza

- J. Le Goff-P. Nora (a cura di), Fare storia. Temi e metodi della nuova storiografia, Torino, Einaudi

- P. Vidal-Naquet, Gli assassini delle memoria. Saggi sul revisionismo e la Shoah, Roma, Viella.



5) Lesson's notes

or another book from the above list



Teaching methods

Frontal lessons with seminars.

Assessment methods

The final exam consists in a oral exam about the themes of the lessons and the bibliography of the course.
The oral exam aims to verify if the student has acquired the historical notions of the arguments of the course and the ability to orient him/herself within the bibliography and historical sources, being able to identify useful informations for describing themes and questions learned during the course, and connecting them together.
In particular, the exam will evaluate the capacity of: 1) orienting within the historical period defined at the course; 2) recognizing, analyzing and discussing appropriately historical documents (literary, iconographical, audio-visual) studied during the lessons; 3) acquiring an adequate use of language in relation with the metodological questions of the discipline; 4) developing autonomously a discourse which can contextualize events and experiences studied during the course.
The exam for non-attending students will verify the acquisition of: - a good knowledge of the books and other materials of the course (in particular those intended for them), - an adequate and specific use of language, - the ability to orient themselves within the historical period studied of the course, and in general through the time frame of the discipline.


Teaching tools

Frontal lessons with audiovisual supports

Office hours

See the website of Marco De Marinis